
Tally rose to her feet. “I’ll help, of course.” She smiled with slow pleasure and for just a moment, Terrie wondered at the look of gleeful anticipation in her friend’s face.

“Tally, you scare me,” she sighed, not for the first time. “What are you planning?”

She shrugged her slender shoulders negligently. “Don’t worry, sunshine, Auntie Tally will take care of everything.” Then she narrowed her eyes. “Do you need another piercing?”

Chapter Eight

Keep him off guard. Keep him off guard. Terrie repeated the words as she breezed through Jesse’s outer office the next day. She ignored Tally’s, “Go get ‘em tiger,” and entered the office as though it were her own.

Jesse raised his head from a file and his instant response nearly had her pausing. His eyes darkened as he took in the vee cut, button-down, white silk slip dress and strappy sandals she wore.

“Terrie?” He watched her cautiously as she moved around the desk and stared down at him with a frown.

“You didn’t show up for coffee this morning,” she reminded him. “And I was up waiting on you. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to get up at the crack of dawn, Jesse?”

His lips twitched in amusement. “I did call, baby,” he told her. “You didn’t answer so I left a message.”

“Your excuse was flimsy.” She propped her hands on her hips, deliberately allowing her br**sts to swell above the top of the dress. “Come on, Jesse. You never get up late.”

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes riveted on the swelling mounds. “I didn’t get to sleep until late.” He cleared his throat then swallowed tightly. “I was going to stop by this evening. I know I left the message.”

Terrie snorted. She got the message. “Be ready, baby. We have plans,” she repeated for him. “I don’t think so, Jesse. You just knew that one would work for me,” she assured him sarcastically, barely retraining the urge to roll her eyes.

She moved to prop her hip on his desk as Jesse moved to touch her. Her nerves and his movements, combined, had her jostling the nearby penholder and knocking it over. Pens scattered across the desktop.

“Oops.” Some of the pens rolled off the desk and she bent to try to retrieve them. “I’ll get them,” she promised softly, suggestively as two bounced from his knee to the carpet beneath the desk.

* * * * *

Jesse jerked in response as her hand braced on his knee and she bent to retrieve the pens. Damn her, no bra. He drew in a deep breath as her head disappeared under the desk.

“Dammit, Jesse.” The office door opened at the same time she worked herself beneath the desk. Lucian Conover walked quickly into the room, the door slamming behind him. “That viperous little shrew working the desk outside swore you weren’t even here. I knew that was your car outside.”

Jesse stilled. Terrie moved beneath the desk. A sinuous ripple of her body against his leg nearly had him trembling in anticipation.

“I have to work sometime, Lucian.” He shrugged as he leaned back in his chair. “What do you need?”

He felt Terrie’s hand move up his ankle. God, she wouldn’t. He drew in a deep breath, knowing he had never imagined his delicate little temptress daring something this sensual, this quickly.

“I need those cost estimates on that new chip your boys are working on. It was supposed to be in my office yesterday,” Lucian sighed as he sat down in one of the plush chairs in front of the desk. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you about that pretty little sister-in-law of yours.”

Jesse frowned. Beneath the desk Terrie’s hand stilled at his knee for just a second. She shifted silently then and he blinked as he felt her teeth nip the flesh above his knee.

“Go away, Lucian, I’m busy.” He fought to keep his voice calm, even.

Her hands were creeping up his thighs, her nails scraping through the silk of his slacks as she neared the engorged length of his cock. Son of a bitch. She was going to do it.

“Oh hell, don’t get possessive on me.” Lucian frowned. “She’s a pretty little thing, Jesse. Don’t tell me you haven’t f**ked her yet.”

His belt came free.

“Lucian, Terrie isn’t up for discussion,” he growled.

The blood was rushing through his body, throbbing in his cock. The thought of f**king Terrie was killing him.

“Dammit, are you stalking her yourself?” the other man questioned impatiently. “Come on, Jesse, she’s family.”

“Not hardly,” Jesse growled as he felt his slacks loosen. Terrie had managed to slide the zipper down without a sound.