
He left the room before he lost all sanity. He was within seconds of throwing her back to the bed and f**king her again with a driving hunger he felt would never be sated. A hunger he had never known for another woman.

Chapter Seven

“Tally, hold all calls. I’m unavailable until after lunch.” Jesse entered the outer office, his eyes narrowing on the sardonic expression his secretary held.

Tally Raines was an unholy terror as far as he was concerned. The curvy, haughtily aloof Filipino watched him with what he was terribly certain was a knowing expression.

“I’ll be sure to do that,” she drawled, her cultured voice filled with amused patience. “Would you like coffee, sir?”

He paused at his office door and glanced back at her, his eyes narrowing as she watched him with superior female indulgence.

“Coffee, please,” he said coolly. “Then get me the Conover contract so I can go over it before sending it to James.”

“It’s on your desk.” She rose gracefully from her chair, long black hair rippling down the back of her white silk blouse to touch her shapely hips. “Anything else?”

Yeah, no more body piercings for Terrie, he thought with a flash of temper that he tamped down. Dammit, the woman was a menace.

“Nothing else,” he finally growled. “Bring the coffee as soon as possible.”

“Of course.” She sounded mildly surprised that he would think she would delay.

Jesse figured he might get the coffee before he left the office that evening. He grunted rudely, jerking the door open, and entered his own office. Now he knew why she drove him crazy. Terrie had to be giving her lessons.

He grimaced as he took his seat behind his desk and flipped open the file waiting on him. Lucian Conover was an old friend; part of the exclusive group that had begun back in college. Not that any of them had been moronic enough to name the group. He did know he had broken one of the cardinal rules, though. Control. Complete control. Only her pleasure mattered. Only her complete, mindless surrender to the pleasure was the goal. Not his.

He pushed his fingers wearily through his hair, frowning down at the papers before him as he fought to make sense of what had happened. Fought to try to at least understand how he had managed to land himself in this predicament. Never in his entire adult life, certainly not since admitting to himself the extreme pleasure he gained from his sexual lifestyle, had he lost control like this.

“Oh dear. Did you find a problem with the contracts?” Tally’s smooth voice cut through his musings as she set the steaming cup of coffee at the side of the desk.

“Contracts are fine.” He lifted the edge of the paper he was staring down at. “Thank you for the coffee, Tally. I’ll call you if I need you.”

“You have messages.” Her voice was insistent.

Jesse lifted his head, turning it until he could gaze up at her with level patience. Dealing with Tally demanded patience.

Her dark brown eyes danced with amusement, her lips tilting into a smirk that had him narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

“What?” he asked her carefully.

“Messages.” She laid the papers beside the cup of coffee, still watching him, the smirk firmly in place.

“Thank you,” he growled. “You can go now, Tally.”

She sighed with exaggerated patience. “Very well. But might I suggest a shower, Mr. Wyman? The smell of sex is lingering. And since some of us are doing without at the present, we don’t like being reminded.”

She sauntered from the room. Jesse watched her leave, restraining the urge to bare his teeth in temperamental frustration. Dammit. He leaned back in the chair heavily, closing his eyes, fighting his need to stalk from the office and return to the object of his frustration. He knew years ago Terrie would drive him insane. She was now proving his fears as fact. And his c**k was proving to be a very willing sacrifice to breakdown. Even now it throbbed in demand, in explicit, mounting excitement at the thought of touching her again.

Control. His jaw clenched as he fought for it. Control. His fist tightened as he returned to the file. Son of a bitch. He sighed wearily as the words blurred and once again he fought to understand his own weakness.

* * * * *

“Oh Terrie, you are such a bad girl.” Tally stepped into the house as Terrie stood back and welcomed her in.

Her brown eyes, usually cool and mocking, were filled with warmth and humor as Terrie shook her head wearily.

“I know he didn’t tell you. By the way, he thinks you’re evil,” Terrie informed her as she closed the door and led the way into the living room. “So how did you figure it out?”

“Hmm,” Tally mused. “It could have been the lingering smell of sex, and Giorgio’s Red was unmistakable. He should have showered before coming in,” she pouted. “I haven’t had sex in months, Terrie. I don’t like being reminded.”