
“Get f**ked.”

Jared sighed wearily. If only…

Chapter Eleven

Kimberly admitted she had little experience with the male of the species. And she had even less experience with this relationship deal that Jared seemed to want. She felt unprepared for him, inadequate in the face of the experience she was beginning to suspect he had.

She had merely played at The Club. A visit every three months, a quick tumble across whatever table was handy and off she would go. There had been no emotional attachment, no sentiment. And she hadn’t wanted any, couldn’t afford any.

But she was learning that Jared intended to play the game by a whole other set of rules. The truly frightening part was the fact that rather than feeling intimidated or threatened by the intimacies he had warned her were coming, she was instead, excited, nervous, balanced on a laser point of uncertainty and exhilaration that should have been terrifying.

As she stepped from the shower later that evening and toweled off slowly, Kimberly admitted she was in deep trouble where Jared was concerned. But she had known for months now that he represented a danger to the goals she had kept firmly in mind for the past six years.

She had only five years left to go. Remain a virgin for five more years and she would win. She would do what no other woman in her mother’s family had been able to in five generations. She would laugh in the face of the edicts that had governed her life since adulthood and in her father’s face in particular.

Five more years.

She sighed deeply as she smoothed lotion over her body, paying particular attention to the waxed folds of her cunt and her firm br**sts. Her ni**les were peaked and hard, her flesh sensitized as she remembered Jared’s touch.

A small smile tipped her lips as she shook her head, drawing her hands firmly away from her body and picking up the blow dryer. The unruly mass of long, red gold curls took forever to dry. But she loved the sensuous feeling of it as it slid over her bare back and curled around her shoulders. She felt feminine, desirable. And when Jared’s fingers threaded through it, flexing and tugging at the long strands, sending shards of pleasure and intense sensuality erupting along her nerve endings like wildfire, it increased the wanton sensations.

He was a creature of sexuality, of pleasure. A grin tugged her lips at the thought. Jared would understand why it felt good to lay naked in the sun, or to swim nude in the ocean. He might not do it, man that he was, but he would understand her need to do it.

A frown tipped her brow at that thought. Why should she care if he understood? He wouldn’t be a part of her life; she couldn’t allow him to be a part of her life. Five years could be an eternity if she let her emotions for Jared get out of hand. Or it could slide by without a ripple if she kept her heart free.

She had a feeling though, her heart was already involved.

She flipped off the dryer and laid it carefully on the sink as she closed her eyes, drawing in deep, controlled breaths. Just the thought of him made her more aware of her own body and the satisfaction she was denying it.

She had accepted years ago that she would be tormented by the same desires that her father claimed were demons inside her mother. An intense sexuality, a need to be touched, a need to feel more than just a tame caress from her lover.

She wanted to be spanked. She loved having her ass opened, feeling a c**k boring deep inside that forbidden entrance. Having her ni**les roughened, her hands restrained. And the thought of experiencing those acts with Jared sent moisture weeping desperately from her vagina.

“Now there’s a look that could bring a grown man to his knees.”

Kimberly breathed in roughly as she jerked around, staring back at Jared as her blood began to race through her veins, her heart pounding in double-time to the throb in her clit.

“You don’t believe in knocking?” she asked him, wondering at the husky pitch of her own voice.

He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest, and watched her intently as she pulled the blue silk robe from the hook beside the sink and shrugged into it.

“It’s my house,” he excused himself with an amused smirk as she belted the robe.

“Lord of the manor, huh?” she asked him with a smile, her gaze going over his tall body, and feeling the helpless femininity he never failed to inspire in her.

“If I can get by with it.” His eyes gleamed with laughter as the sensual curve of his lips deepened.

She shook her head, feeling something inside her loosen and lighten with his laughter.

“You’re too arrogant for your own good,” she warned him then. “One of these days, someone is going to knock you down a peg or two, Jared.”

He grunted at that, a sound of disbelief and superior male self-assurance all in one.

“You can try if you want, baby,” he told her, the smug smile firmly in place as his gaze went over her body. “The struggle could get interesting.”

Kimberly licked her lips as she fought the nervousness determined to attack her system. Nerves or uncontrolled arousal, at this point she wasn’t certain which it was, the only thing she knew for certain was her inability to fight the attraction building between them.

“Think you’ll win, do you?” she asked as she approached him slowly, watching his eyes narrow, darken with lust.