
Knowing that one of the men Kimberly should be able to trust was no more than a Judas sent by her father was more than he could stomach. The Senator was beginning to piss him off in ways that Jared knew wasn’t healthy for either of them.

Kimberly should have never been a pawn in whatever fanatical vision her ancestor had. The Trust was bad enough, holding over her head the preservation of an estate that should have rightfully been hers without such extreme conditions. But to know that her father, the man who should have cared more for her happiness and welfare, cared only about the preservation of her chastity, that should be criminal.

Kimberly hadn’t been born to restrain the natural sensuality that burned within her body. It was like a flame, white-hot and intense, threatening to burn the man lucky enough to tap into it. As Jared had. His body tightened at the knowledge that he had released a passion inside her that he knew even she had been unaware existed.

His ears still rang with her screams, her pleas for release. The scent of her arousal had been like the dew, fresh and wild, sweet and clean. Her body had been like a flame, undulating beneath his lips and tongue, spilling the sweet essence of her need to his greedy lips. He’d be damned if he’d let her pay for the pleasure she had found in his arms.

He moved silently through the house, his eyes narrowed as he entered the hall in time to see his office door closing silently. Within seconds, he had opened the door, pushing it forcefully into the bastard on the other side before stepping in and grabbing the bodyguard by the back of the neck and shaking him like a recalcitrant pup.

For a bodyguard, the bastard was a simpleton. Jared had seen more experience in street thugs than he saw in the moron he threw away from him.

“Hey… Dammit, what’s your problem?” Tim Adams turned on him, his body moving into an attack position before he saw Jared.

Jared smiled in anticipation. He could see the other man’s desire to jump, to attack. It quivered in the muscles of his body, glittered in his hazel eyes and flushed his pale face with an unattractive ruddy color.

“Go for it,” he said simply, his body relaxed, ready for any move the other man would make. “I dare you.”

Adams tensed, then evidently thought before attacking the man he had been sent to guard.

“This is my office,” Jared said simply, warningly as the other man stood down. “You don’t have any business here.”

Adams’ lips firmed as his gaze went around the room before pausing at the couch. There was no mistaking the dampness that still lingered on the center cushion, proof of Kimberly’s passion and her need.

Jared watched as fury built within the younger man, his body shaking with it.

“Sorry,” he finally snapped with no sign of apology. “Wrong turn.”

He moved to pass Jared and escape.

“I don’t think so, junior.” Jared caught Adams in a neck hold that had him gasping for breath, his body tensing in surprise.

“I think you know just how easy it would be for me to snap your neck right now,” Jared kept his tone pleasant despite the fury pouring through him. “Someone as well trained as yourself, Adams, should know better than to ever turn your back on your enemy. And trust me, you just made an enemy,” he growled at the other man’s ear. “Now you listen here, and you listen good. Kimberly is none of your business. Period. And don’t think you can report this to the Senator and get away with it. Won’t happen, son, I’ll hear about it. And when I do, I’ll kill you. You understand me?”

Adams choked with fury, the harsh sounds of his anger and his fight to breathe filled the room for long seconds before Jared loosened his hold enough to allow him to take a breath.

“You understand me, Adams?” he repeated the question, keeping his voice soft, deadly.

“He’ll find out,” Adams gasped. “She won’t get away with it.”

Jared smiled tightly. “As long as she remains a virgin, she can get away with whatever the hell she wants to, right?” He tightened his hold as Adams struggled vainly for release. “Answer me, boy, before I break your neck now.”

“Yes,” Adams hissed.

“Exactly.” Jared loosed the grip on his neck further. “But whether she does or not, you’re not going to be spreading any tales are you, pissant? You want to know why? Because you know who I am. You know what I can do. And you know I will kill you. Don’t you, Adams?”

“Yes.” Raw helpless rage echoed in the voice.

“Good boy,” Jared commended him mockingly. “Now, you make sure you remember this little lesson, because I would sure hate to have to spill blood in my house. My housekeeper gets real testy when she has to clean up the mess. We wouldn’t want that, would we?”

Jared released him slowly, watching with narrowed eyes as Adams tore out away from him. The smaller man turned back, his eyes flashing with anger.

“Do you think the Senator doesn’t know what she is?” Adams snarled. “Do you think he won’t have her checked first thing after this assignment?”

Jared stilled the need to kill the other man. Hiding the body would be a pure pain anyway.

“Won’t matter,” he finally said, his voice chillingly cold. “She’ll be a virgin. He won’t win and neither will you. I’ll make certain of it. Now get the hell out of my office before I lose my control and show you just how far you’re pushing me right now.”

He evidently didn’t have to give a second warning. Adams shot out of the room, the curse that fell from his lips echoing in the room behind him.