Kiss of Heat(34)

“Even if you ask me?” he questioned her, keeping his voice gentle, calm, when he wanted to rage at the pain in her eyes.

“I’ll never ask you, Seth,” she bit out painfully, staring back at him with eyes that haunted his darkest dreams. “I’ll never ask, whether I want it or not, no matter the circumstances. Ever. Do you understand me? I’ll never lie beneath you, you’re fooling yourself…”

“So lie above me.”

She flinched, her eyes widening as she swallowed with a tight, convulsive movement.

“One of the others will be by later to discuss seeing your sister. I have work to do.”

“Dawn.” He came to his feet as she turned away, expecting what would happen, his expression never changing as she spun back, the gun slipping expertly from the holster, pointing to the center of his chest as she gripped it with both hands, her finger on the trigger.

He stared at the weapon for a long moment before he raised his eyes to hers, seeing the tears swimming within them, the agony reflected there.

“Aren’t you tired of being alone? I am.” He made no other move, just stared back at her, his chest tight with emotions he wasn’t certain he was comfortable with, needs he knew she could never accept.

“Stay away from me.” Her voice was strong, brooking no refusal, grating with purpose and determination. “Stay away, Seth, or we’ll both regret it.”

She holstered the weapon, turned and almost ran from the house. He heard the front door slam, felt her absence in a way he couldn’t explain, even to himself. Regret filled him, slammed through him.

“Bad mistake, man, letting her see it.” Taber stepped from the kitchen, as soundless as the animal whose DNA he carried as he stepped into the living room.

“Did I ask for your advice?” Rage was eating him. His temper was a precarious thing right now, he’d be damned if he would force himself to deal.

“You didn’t have to ask,” the other man growled. “Not that I expect you to listen to me. Kane didn’t. But if you’re serious, soul serious about her, don’t let her know it. Don’t let her see it. Don’t let her suspect it. She’ll run herself to the ground fighting it if you do.”

“And I’ll be there to pick her up.” He turned to Taber, uncertain how to handle the emotions raging in him now. What Dawn made him feel, terrified him sometimes.

“If there’s anything left to pick up,” Taber pointed out, his voice soft, regretful. “That’s your greatest battle, man. Making sure there’s something left to love, rather than bury.”

Chapter Eleven

Peace didn’t last for long for Kane. He feigned sleep the next morning as Sherra slipped from his bed and sneaked as silent as a thief from the bedroom. As the door closed, he opened his eyes and sighed

wearily as he stared up at the ceiling. Breaking through the woman’s reserve was going to be the death of him.

Lifting his hand, he scratched at his chest absently, the light itch around the mating mark Sherra had left years before another reminder of his tie to her. Not that being tied to her bothered him, fact was, he loved her more than he loved his own life. There were few things that meant more to him than that blonde-haired little hellcat did. Hell, he didn’t think anything mattered more than she did. Getting her to admit she felt the same was going to be the damned death of him. If this f**king erection didn’t beat her to it.

He cast a resigned, half-irritated, half-amused look toward his lap where the sheet tented over his hard dick.

Shaking his head and giving a half growl, he rose from the bed and headed for the shower. He considered a cold shower, but had learned the hard way that it didn’t help in the least. Besides, every bone and muscle in his body ached from the exhaustion slowly taking over. The lack of sleep, the worry, the damned arousal were combining to kill him. Sherra wouldn’t have to worry much longer about his harassing her, he thought as he stepped beneath the hard pounding spray of the shower. He was going to die from a f**king hard-on.

Work. It had filled in the missing places in his life for years now, it would serve him a while longer. The Breed sanctuary still suffered from security weaknesses and fools’ attacks. Not to mention those damned Lawrence aggravations they were trying to hide in one of the compound’s houses. Shit was starting to get real deep here, and he was getting f**king sick of avoiding the various piles everyone was trying to hide. After dressing, he clipped his holstered weapon to his belt and left his room, mentally going over a very long list of various duties awaiting his attention. Communications upgrades, intel from various sources left through the night, security protocols and logs from the past twelve hours from individual patrol leaders. It went on and on, dragging at his shoulders as he neared the top of the stairs.

“How dare you hide this from me?” Roni’s voice met Kane as he came downstairs. The tension in the compound was getting to them all. The enforced confinement was driving Merinus and Roni crazy and in turn they were driving them all crazy. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched curiously as Roni gave her mate hell.

There wasn’t much that he gained more pleasure from than watching the irritable, irritating Jaguar Breed get what-for, from his ever-loving mate.

The dark-haired beauty faced Taber, her fists clenched at her sides, tears streaking down her face as she screamed at him. Taber was pale, his eyes desperate as he stared at his wife. This didn’t look good. Kicking his ass over some perceived slight never made Roni mad enough cry. This wasn’t a hormonal asschewing. Which wasn’t good.

“Roni, you don’t understand.” Taber ran his hands over his face in irritation. “I was going to tell you. As soon as I thought you were strong enough…”

Uh-oh. It appeared shit had hit the fan here, and Roni was well aware of the hidden guests gracing the estate.

“You f**k me until I can’t breathe but you think I’m not strong enough to talk?”

Kane winced. Boy, did she have him there.

“The situation is too dangerous…”