Kiss of Heat(32)

Her breath hitched at the huskily spoken plea. His eyes mesmerized her. So deep, dark and filled with emotion, haunted with pain and pleasure as he moved slowly inside the convulsive grip of her pu**y. Her womb flexed as he stared down at her, the eroticism of watching his face flush, his eyes glitter with sexual hunger, filled her like a surge of electrical energy. Her h*ps jerked, driving him deeper as her neck arched, his hands tugging at her hair where they threaded snugly within the strands.

“Tell me it feels good, Sherra.” A slow, sexy smile shaped his swollen lips as his cheeks flushed a deep, brick red. “Talk to me, darlin’. Let me hear your voice, sweet and low and rough from needing me.”

“You’re crazy,” she gasped as his h*ps rotated, his c**k screwing into her deeper when she thought it wasn’t possible for him to get further inside her. “You want me to talk to you?”

“Mmm,” he murmured, lowering his head just enough to kiss the corner of her lips before he rose again, watching her carefully. “Tell me how good my c**k feels inside you, Sherra. Do you like this…?”

Her back arched, a low, fierce growl emitting from between her lips as he pulled back several inches then thrust in deep again. Nerve endings caught fire, her womb convulsed and a shiver of impending release shuddered through her body. She could feel it, just out of reach, despite the fact that he was doing little more than filling her sensitive pu**y, his c**k throbbing like another heartbeat inside her.

“Yes. Yes. I like that.” She writhed beneath him, the pleasure whipping through her like an impending firestorm. “More.”

“More?” His hands tugged at her hair as his h*ps rotated again, the head of his erection stroking her sensitive flesh, sending building waves of sensation tearing through her. What was he doing to her? Why was he delaying the release she knew tormented him as well? Sherra could feel the building sensations bordering on pain within her own body. Each thrust sent her higher, closer, but they were too few to send her over the edge.

“More,” she panted, her fingers digging into his shoulders. “What do you want, Kane? Do you want me to beg?”

He was driving her crazy. She fought to drive her cunt harder onto the impalement of his cock, but he used his weight to hold her to the bed, to control the movement of her h*ps as her legs rose to wrap around his lower back.

“I want what you gave me the first time, Sherra,” he told her. “I know you haven’t forgotten. You couldn’t have forgotten.” For a moment his voice was tortured, his expression flickering with pain as perspiration dampened his features.

Yes. She remembered. Every moment of that night, every touch, every…

She whispered a protest, her gaze going to his roughly scarred chest and the mark she had left so long ago.

She had whispered to him before placing the wound. Words that echoed in her mind, filled her with lust and left her longing for the same haunting need she glimpsed in his eyes.

“Kane.” She protested the rising hunger to go back, to allow the dreams to take over once again.

“I’ll never leave you again, Sherra.” He stilled inside her as she stared up at him in shock. Her soul wailed in misery at his words.

“Stop.” She shook her head desperately. “Not now. Not yet.”

She couldn’t deal with the overload of emotions while his c**k was straining the walls of her pu**y, the need for orgasm beating at her brain.

“Now.” He denied her the ability to hide any longer. And hiding, she knew, was exactly what she had been doing. “Here, now, Sherra.”

His h*ps bunched as he began slowly—too damned slowly for the needs rocking through her—pumping inside her just enough to keep the pain from clawing at her womb, but not enough for orgasm.

“Do you like that, baby? Do you like feeling my c**k f**king inside your tight pu**y, making us both crazier by the second?” he asked her softly, an echo of the past. “Tell me what you want, Sherra. I’ll give you anything you want.”

“No.” Her head thrashed against the mattress as she fought the potent, irresistible call of her own soul, and the needs hammering at her brain. “Stop this, Kane. Please. Just let me come.”

“No,” he growled, baring his teeth as his own body shuddered with the need. “Not yet. Feel it, baby. Feel how good it is.”

He drove inside her hard, paused, his c**k throbbing heavily inside the sensitive clasp of her pu**y.

“Kane…” She sobbed his name.

“Now…” He drove inside her again. Paused. His eyes watched her, glittering wildly, hunger and demand tightening every line of his expression. “Now.”

“Oh God.” Her h*ps jerked at the next hard thrust, her head turning, her tongue swiping over the mark on his chest as he suddenly stilled. “Fuck me, Kane. Fuck me hard and hot until nothing matters but us. Nothing but us…” Her mouth covered the spot, her teeth raking over it, then her tongue, a second before she bit him.

A male shout of satisfaction filled the room as he began to move. One hand lowered to her hip as his own began to churn, thrust, driving his c**k deep and hard inside her as she tasted blood. Her tongue, rasping and filled with the unique mating hormone, began to lap at the wound, her mouth sucking at his flesh as the taste of him became the final straw to drive her past reason. Her orgasm erupted, her pu**y tightening on his driving c**k as she tore her mouth from his chest to scream out her completion.

“Fuck yes. Come for me, baby.” His head buried at her neck as he stroked inside her powerfully, lengthening, driving her orgasm higher until reality, past and present, was extinguished. There were only her and Kane. Together, melting, blending, orgasm and bonding clashed and in the fires of their release, satisfaction weaved for the first time in years, two hearts beat, bonded, and eased. For now, there was peace.

* * * * *

Seth Lawrence had seen many things in his life. At thirty-five, he guessed he would have experienced damned near every adventure a man of his temperament could have imagined. He had spoiled himself with the darker edge of life, but nothing had prepared him for Dawn Daniels. He had read her file. Age twenty-seven, Cougar Breed, the horrors recorded from the Lab files didn’t bear thinking of. She had endured a hell no child should have ever lived.