Kiss of Heat(15)

“Son of a bitch, I finally get my c**k in that sweet mouth again and I can’t even stand up long enough to enjoy it.”

Sherra was shaking as she jerked back roughly, clamping her lips firmly shut as she stared at the moist length of male flesh. Dear God, what was she doing? She had lost her mind completely.

“Well, hell,” he said roughly as he braced himself against the wall to stand upright. “Guess I can forget the release, huh? Can I at least get some help into bed?”

She shook her head slowly. He was watching her with heated intensity and a sexual hunger that made her body flame in awareness. This was madness, she told herself fiercely. She knew better than to think that this could ease her hunger for him. It would do no more than make it worse.

“Damn.” She came to her feet, easing her arm around him and leading him from the bathroom to his bed.

“Yeah, curse for both of us,” he growled as she jerked the blankets back on the bed and he sat down slowly. “Son of a bitch, no way I’m sleeping on my stomach with this hard-on, Sherra.”

“You had it before I touched you.” She frowned as he watched her with mild accusation.

“For you,” he growled. “It’s been hard since the night you stepped out of the shadows in Sandy Hook. Dammit, I can’t even jack off enough.”

She almost lost her balance at the roughly voiced protest. Then she did lose it as he lay down before pulling her to the bed beside him. Leaning over him, she stared down at him, alarm streaking through her system. Too close. He was too close now for her to maintain any sense of control.

“You need to go to sleep.” Please go to sleep , she thought, oh God make him go to sleep . But she couldn’t resist touching the light stubble of beard along his cheek, her fingers glancing over it, the sensitive tips tingling in pleasure at the rough feel. He watched her, relaxed for a change. She had never seen him so laid-back, smiling at her easily, his eyes dark, filled with heat.

“You need to f**k me.” He grinned suggestively, his dilated eyes nearly black now as he watched her.

“Come on, just once. I promise I won’t fall asleep on you,” he wheedled in a dark velvet voice that sent electric flares of sensation tearing through her body.

How was she supposed to fight this new, suddenly gentle Kane?

Chapter Five

Sherra stared down at him in shock. He was teasing her? He never teased her. He either snapped at her or had something impossibly arrogant to say that was sure to infuriate her. He snarled at her, mocked her, called her cute little pet names and generally did his best to make her life hell. But he had never teased her so gently. So sweetly.

The time they had been together at the labs hadn’t exactly given anyone an opportunity for laughter or for teasing. Life and death were a struggle, day by day. Each minute of their lives had been a lesson in death. How to accomplish it, either quick and silent, or with maximum pain. Sherra guessed she knew more ways to kill a man than most assassins walking around now. But she didn’t know how to tease.

“Sherra.” He reminded her of his request with a gentle, chiding voice. Gentleness. He could be so gentle, so tender, that the thought of the single night he had given her brought tears to her eyes. She didn’t want to remember, she needed desperately to forget. Remembering made her weak, made her ache for all the things she denied herself.

“You know I can’t,” she whispered, flinching as he caught her hand, watching her closely. His calloused fingers smoothed over the back of her softer ones, creating a warming friction that had her breath hitching softly. She loved his touch. The heat and strength of his flesh always amazed her, as did the licking flames of hunger that grew in her womb.

“You always jerk like that when I touch you,” he said, staring up at her somberly. “As though afraid I’ll hurt you.” His gaze was so dark, regretful. “Did I hurt you, Sherra, when I made love to you that first time?”

Sherra drew in a hard breath as he lifted her fingers to his lips. Hurt her? He had broken her heart, but physically he had given her more pleasure than she had ever known in her life. She shook her head slowly, her eyes widening as his lips parted and he rubbed the pad of her forefinger against it. The sensation speared straight to her cl*t and from there to her aching pu**y. His lips were firm

and hot, full with sexual promise.

“Are you wet?” he asked her as his lips quirked in a smile. “I hope you’re at least as wet as I am hard, baby. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

His tongue swiped over her finger, causing her to jerk at the sensation. Wet, moist, she could well remember him stroking her cl*t with it as he held her thighs wide and sucked the little pearl to release. That hard knot of flesh swelled and throbbed at the thought as she fought back a groan. Breathing roughly, she licked her dry lips, fighting to hold her eyes open, to make certain she watched every move he made. She wouldn’t be able to bear it much longer. Having him touch her was a torment. An agonizing pleasure that she knew she would soon be helpless against.

“We have to stop.” Talking was damned near impossible. She could barely breathe. Hunger assailed her, filling her with the bittersweet pain of a lust she knew would never be fulfilled. She had made the mistake, albeit unknowingly, of condemning her body to bleak non-fulfillment. She wouldn’t do the same to Kane. He had suffered more than enough already for daring to attempt to save her.

“Stay here with me, Sherra,” he said, his voice low, vibrating with need. “Let me hold you. I’m too damned weak to force anything else on you right now.”

He wouldn’t have to. Her gaze trailed down his muscular chest, his tight abdomen and the rigid length of his c**k rising up. She licked her lips nervously. She was so weak. As long as he was angry, sniping at her and appearing to hate her for her denial of him, then she could stay far enough away to keep her resolve. But this softer, kinder Kane made her hunger that much deeper. Kane groaned. “Hell, baby. I want that tongue licking all over me, not your lips. Let me lick your lips.”

He pulled at her hand, drawing her down before the danger of the movement penetrated her mind, and she jerked back.

“No. I can’t.” Her tongue was throbbing, the glands swollen and desperate now. Her br**sts ached, her ni**les hardening to firm peaks that rasped almost painfully against the snug fit of her top.

“Sure you can.” His eyes were hot, glittering with dark hunger as he stared at the flesh of her upper br**sts as they rose above the top. “Come on, baby. Let me kiss you again. I know how bad you need it. How swollen that pretty little tongue is. I could feel it on my cock, throbbing. Come on, Sherra, nothing’s going to make me hornier than I already am.”

He drew her down. Her head was screaming no. But every cell in her body was crying out differently. She could taste the soft mix of rainfall and sweetness in her mouth as she trembled in sudden fear and jerked away from him again, unconsciously swallowing the potent taste of the hormone. She shuddered at the knowledge of how quickly the heat was progressing this time. She should have more time before the glands began to open up and spill their spice into her system. More time to prepare herself and make certain she could escape far enough away to keep him from knowing the hell she had yet to endure.