Kiss of Heat(14)

It was a new day, but she wasn’t about to point that out to him. It was after two in the morning and dawn wasn’t far away. She knew he was up before five every morning and usually still awake at midnight. He worked as hard, if not harder, than any of her family.

“Fine. Bath.” What could it hurt? She would put him in the tub, wash his back for him and make sure she was there when he was ready to get out. No big deal. She knew Doc’s drugs. They would make him a little dazed, kind of woozy, but he could stand up on his own. She couldn’t anticipate what was to come.

He couldn’t unbutton the snug jeans. His arm was useless. Swallowing tightly, she unbuttoned them with trembling fingers, more than aware of the thick bulge beneath them. Keeping her eyes carefully averted, she eased them and his snug briefs down his powerful legs before he sat on the small chair beside the tub and let her unlace his boots.

Finally, gloriously na**d and heavily aroused, he was able to step into the wide tub and lean back against it wearily. His head rested on the back, his eyes closing.

“You can’t go to sleep, Kane.” She was shaking as she watched the head of his c**k bob along the tanned flesh of his abdomen. Only Kane would have a hard-on while he was half dead. It was just her luck.

“I’m awake,” he muttered. “Just give me a minute.”

He lifted his good arm, his fingers scratching lazily at his scarred chest. She followed the action, her eyes held captive by the thin scars, her heart aching at the pain they must have caused.

“He caught me outside the lab grounds,” Kane said softly, causing her head to raise, her gaze to meet his.

His eyes were dilated and drowsy now.

“I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to feel.

“Bastard thought he could bury me and just walk away,” he said softly, though his voice throbbed with anger and pain. “I managed to dig myself out and crawl through the brush. Some hikers finally found me. Half dead, fevered. They got me to a hospital, but I was pretty out of it by then. It was weeks before they were able to find out who I was. Months before I was coherent. By the time I was able to get help to you…” he swallowed tightly, “the labs were gone. They said everyone had died. Nothing was left.”

He closed his eyes again.

She thought he had just walked away. She covered her face with her hands. Even after Callan and Merinus had told her what Dayan said, she still hadn’t believed it. Not completely. Not clear to her heart. She didn’t until now.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered again.

He shook his head slowly. “Fuck it. Help me wash this grime from my body, Sherra, so I can at least sleep a while. I’ll figure the rest of it out tomorrow.”

Sherra felt her heart slam into her chest. Her pu**y was screaming out in victory. Her hands were almost vibrating in pleasure at the thought of stroking his flesh, even with the barrier of a washrag against it. Slowly, she knelt beside the tub and lifted the clean cloth from the small basket hanging on the edge. Dipping it into the water she lifted the bar of soap.

“Hair,” he mumbled, sitting up slowly and lowering his head. “Just use the soap. I do.”

She washed his hair carefully, then after laying a towel over the bandage, rinsed the short strands with a dripping cloth. Removing it, she began to wash him quickly, desperate to get it over with and get him into the bed and hopefully sleeping. There was temptation and then there was desperation. She was passing desperation fast.

Her face flamed as he took the cloth from her and washed his hard, engorged c**k and the sac beneath. His face twisted into a grimace of pleasure, the hard flesh jerking rapturously beneath his strokes.

“Enough.” Her voice was strangled as she took the cloth from him and wrung the water out of it. She held out a towel. “You’re squeaky clean and I’m tired of playing nursemaid.”

A slumberous, sensual smile crossed his lips as he watched her through lowered lids.

“And you do it so well,” he whispered, but forced himself to stand up. Water sluiced over his tanned flesh as he rose before her, staring down at her, daring her as his engorged c**k filled her vision. It was wet, water running in streams along the mushroom-shaped head and heavily veined shaft.

Sherra licked her lips, remembering much too well how good he tasted, how his groans of pleasure stroked her senses as her mouth had enveloped him. She swallowed tightly and quickly pulled the plug on the drain before rising to help him from the tub and towel him dry.

She thought she was strong enough to do it. She thought she could control the hunger and the need long enough to get him dry and in bed. But when she was once again faced with the thick length of his erection, she could only whimper in defeat.

His hands tangled in her hair as she knelt before him. He held her still, though there was no reason to. Her lips parted as the velvety head of his c**k nudged against them, opened and allowed him to take her mouth with one smooth, shallow stroke.

“God. Sherra.” His voice sent shivers cascading over her flesh as the thick, throbbing flesh filled her, stroking her swollen tongue as he moved his hips, caressing it as he thrust in and out with a strangled groan.

She whimpered, closing her eyes as her hands gripped his thighs and she began to suck at the engorged shaft. Just as he taught her a lifetime ago, her mouth closed on him, tongue stroking him, milking the sensitive head slowly.

His hands tightened in her hair, his body tensing as a ragged groan filled her ears and she felt his warm pre-come dripping to her tongue. It was salty, rich, making her realize how desperate she had been for his taste. She wanted it all, wanted to feel the hard hot spurts of his se**n filling her mouth, coating her tormented tongue as he found his release in her.

“Sherra, baby.” His voice was hoarse as he f**ked her lips slow and easy. “Baby, this is so f**king good I could die, but I’m going to fall to the floor any minute.”

To prove his words he nearly stumbled, a rough, tortured chuckle filling the air as she slowly released him. Looking up at him slowly, her breath caught at the stark male hunger in his gaze.