Guilty Pleasure(70)

"What better way to drive her out of your life?" Shayne asked, as the limo made a turn onto the residential street where Marty's apartment was located.

Khalid's lips curled in disgust at the observation.

"It would be no hardship to choose another third, Shayne," he informed the other man sharply.

Shayne's expression never changed. The amused condescension was firmly in place.

"Try choosing one who will put up with your demands as I do," Shayne laughed, as he lifted the fingers on one hand and began counting. "Forget about her heart. Don't touch her unless you're present. You're to know every move she makes. He shook his head. "Hell, I know there's more, but it's beginning to piss me off."

The limo came to a stop on the street in front of Marty's apartment, just behind her father's car.

"Wait here, Abdul," Khalid ordered without deigning to acknowledge Shayne's mocking reference to the rules Khalid had established.

Throwing the door open, Khalid and Shayne exited the vehicle and strode purposely to the secured door of the building. The lock clicked open as Khalid reached for the handle, the security guard on duty recognizing him immediately.

"Good evening, Mr. Mustafa." The guard nodded as they moved toward the elevators.

Khalid nodded in return before hitting the elevator button and waiting impatiently.

"Any rules for this little meeting?" Shayne asked mockingly.

"Shut the hell up before I break your damned neck," Khalid said as the doors slid open.

The elevator moved swiftly, depositing them on Marty's floor in time to catch her as she slid the key in her lock.

Turning her head, she stared at them for long moments before rolling her eyes and turning the key.

"You know, this on-again, off-again stuff is going to get on my nerves," she stated as they neared her. "I'm really tired, Khalid. Would you be good enough to take your friend and go away for a while?"

Khalid paused within inches of her. "I would suggest you pack a bag," he told her. "You'll be staying at the estate for a while."

He ignored Shayne's heavy sigh.

"You know, Marty, I really thought you had better taste in men." Amusement filled the other man's voice as Marty's gaze remained locked with Khalid's. "This one isn't exactly the kind and gentle sort, you know."

"I really thought he had better sense," she said mockingly.

"It would appear he doesn't." Shayne shrugged as Khalid crossed his arms over his chest and stared back at Marty demandingly.

Shaking her head, Marty pushed the door open.

Khalid had only a second's warning. He saw the shadow from the corner of his eye gaining speed as it moved toward the door and toward Marty.

There was that split second that adrenaline tore through him, that strength rushed through his body. Gripping her arm, he jerked her back, threw her into Shayne, and tried to block the intruder rushing toward them.

"Fuck!" Shayne yelled behind him as Khalid felt a bulldozer plow into his chest, throwing him into Shayne and he heard Marty yelling about guns and getting down.

A rapid, muffled retort of gunfire had him trying to throw himself over her. Unfortunately, she was one step ahead of him and Shayne.

As the black-garbed intruder threw himself around the corner of the hall, Marty was chasing after the fleeing form, a weapon held closely against her thigh as she rushed past them both.

Jerking the Glock from beneath his jacket, Khalid was on her ass, with Shayne running fast behind him as they all stopped at the corner.

Raising his hand, Khalid glared at Marty as she began to duck and peek around the corner.

Bending low, Khalid also gave a quick look, jerking back as gunfire sounded from the open window and the fire escape outside.

With a quick gesture indicating he was heading to the next floor via the stairs, Shayne rushed from his position and pushed through the stairwell doors.