Guilty Pleasure(68)

"For now, I swear to you, there is nothing more important than just holding you."

Marty had a feeling those nightmares now held the key to the answers she needed. The reason why a part of Khalid remained distant to her. Why she didn't have the heart of the man, as he held her heart. Zach rose to his feet and moved to the coffeepot to refill the cups he gathered from the table.

After filling cups with coffee and transferring them to the table, he retook his seat and glanced at Virginia. "We've done our best to protect her, Ginny. She might be pissed at us, but we've kept her safe."

Marty had to smile at her mother's sarcastic, less than ladylike snort.

"Why not just tell me what was going on?" She looked between Khalid and Shayne then.

"Because we weren't certain what was going on; we still aren't," Shayne answered her. "I came here with information for Khalid, rumors that his half brothers suspected he had helped disband the cell they sent after you, and that he was once again working to destroy them. Now, I'm trying my damndest to figure out who ran you off the road and tried to shoot you, and whether or not Ayid and Aman are closer than they should be."

"Marty, there's nothing else going on," her father promised her, his gaze filled with love, with sincerity. "I would tell you if there were."

"If you knew about it." She glanced to her godfather.

"And I swear to you, that's all Khalid is involved in," Zach promised. "I would tell you if there were more. Since the attack against you, you've had two men on constant detail to watch your back. I'm not taking chances with your life."

Her jaw clenched as she threaded her fingers together and tightened them around one another. She'd had a sense of being watched, but like Shayne, she'd been unable to pinpoint who was watching or what they wanted.

"I can't believe you two." Her mother spoke up before she had a chance to, her voice rising in maternal fury. "You suspected she was being followed, she was attacked, shot at and you never called me and warned me my daughter was in danger."

"He hadn't shared the fact that she's had a tail on her with me, either." Joe's tone lowered, became deeper as he attempted to shift the focus from his own knowledge that Marty had been in danger, and that he hadn't called his wife. "What the hell do you think you're doing keeping that information from me?"

Now, this was familiar. This was one of the reasons Marty had moved out of her parents' home the moment she had graduated high school. They fought over her, constantly. She was the only child, and the source of their greatest disagreements.

Not that her mother wasn't usually right when she argued with them, but once it began, her fathers couldn't help but bury each other deeper in trouble.

"I've had enough." Marty rose quickly to her feet, intent on getting out of the house now as quickly as possible. Staring back at her godfather, the man she had always considered her other father, Marty felt hurt rise inside her. "Perhaps when you're answering Mother, you can let me know as well why you wouldn't warn me that your men were following me. It would have been nice to know, just in case I were wondering if I had gun sights trained on me again."

"I did what I thought best." He rose to his feet, his hands flattening on the table. "Like your father, I had no desire to ruin the vacation you've looked forward to for two years, unless there was no other choice." He glanced at Khalid then. "And as much as I disapprove of Khalid dragging you into his life, I wanted you to have the time I felt you needed with him. It was bad enough you knew you were in danger. I wanted you comfortable, and I wanted you safe."

A scathing reply rose to her lips, but she held it back. She loved her parents, all three of them. She had no desire to hurt them, despite Zach's high-handedness.

"I'm going home."

Khalid and Shayne rose as well. It was easy to see that both of them were intent on following her. She hoped they had fun sleeping in the car outside her apartment, because that was where she was heading.

"You're staying with Khalid." Zach made it sound like an order.

Marty gave a light, low laugh. "I don't think so, Dad. But I'll let you believe it if it will allow you to sleep better tonight." She was angry. Her sharp tongue was impossible to control in the best of circumstances, but the hurt that rose inside her made it impossible to stem at the moment.

"Marty, you should stay here." Her mother rose to her feet and moved to her, reaching out for her with loving hands. "Give your fathers a chance to figure out what's going on before you leave." She cast Zach a glare. "And they will figure it out, I promise you."

"Then they can let me know when they do." Kissing her mother's cheek, she drew in a hard, deep breath before turning to her father, Joe. "Could I borrow the car, Dad?"

"Abdul has arrived with the limo," Khalid said. "I'll take you home."

"Nice try, Khalid." This time, her smile was tight, angry. "I think I'll pass. You and Shayne can have a nice ride alone tonight. Consider it bonding time."

"Sweetheart, stay the night." Joe was on his feet, his face creased in worry. "We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise you."

"Why are you so worried, Dad?" She gave a light, easy laugh filled with bitter amusement. "After all, Daddy Zach's agents are keeping a nice careful eye on me, remember? I'll be fine."

"You'll give me more gray hairs," Zach muttered. "You should listen to us, Marty. Stay here the night."

"I have a home and that's where I need to be." Taking the keys to her father's car, she let her gaze go over the four men once again. "You know, I think you just made a decision for me that I'd only been considering until now. You'll have my resignation on your desk by the end of the week. I'm sorry, Dad, but if you have your men shadowing me without my knowledge, then I have no business being a part of the Bureau."

"Damn it to hell, Marty, don't do that." Zach straightened in shock as she, ignoring his surprise, left the kitchen.