Forbidden Pleasure(90)

“I forgot my shawl upstairs and we need to be leaving soon if we’re going to get to that meeting on time.”

She didn’t give him time to accept or reject, but swung on her heel and moved for the foyer before heading up the stairs. There would be no return to the Bureau for Mac as far as she was concerned. And Jethro—her chest clenched at the thought of what he would do. Stay or leave, either scenario held the power to break her heart.

She was aware of the agent moving behind her, following her from the living room and up the stairs, just as she was aware of the tension she was leaving behind her.

Sheffield, Casey Sheffield, she remembered the agent’s name. Short sandy hair, lean compact frame, and piercing brown eyes. He moved silently but efficiently. But he still moved like an agent. He wasn’t going to fool anyone. Least of all a stalker.

“Well, Mac, it seems I might have upset your wife.” The director turned back to them after motioning one of the agents to follow Keiley upstairs.

“She’ll be fine.” And she would be, as soon as he assured her that there were no incentives the director could give him that would bribe him back to the Bureau. He was perfectly content right here on the farm, living and laughing with Keiley without the additional risk of a dangerous occupation.

The director’s gaze went to Jethro then, and Mac could see the suspicion in the other man’s eyes. He knew the rumors, hell, he knew the facts of the lifestyle he and Jethro had lived. Mac had no doubt in his mind that Williams wasn’t putting two and two together and coming up with a very pleasurable three.

“You should have told me you were heading this way, Jethro.” The director’s voice held a hint of reproval.

“Why? I came out here for a vacation. The stalker didn’t show his hand until after I arrived.”

“Mac, aren’t you afraid rumors of an additional relationship here might push that stalker further than you anticipate?” the director inquired then.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Jethro snapped, his gaze slicing to the other silent agent as Mac crossed his arms slowly over his chest.

Mac restrained a smile. He could see the protectiveness rising in Jethro. Jethro knew Keiley well enough to know that she wouldn’t appreciate a discussion of certain aspects of her private life. Especially those aspects that included a ménage.

“Director, let’s not play games while we’re standing here,” Mac warned him. “I have a meeting to take my wife to and a stalker to stop. I don’t have time to wade through the bullshit. Any extra relationship won’t matter either way, and quite simply is none of you business.”

“The bullshit,” the director sighed. “Fine. I want you back. You were one of our best agents.”

Mac was shaking his head before the words were out of the director’s mouth.

“No way. This is where I’m happy. This is where I’m staying.”

Williams turned to Jethro then, his gaze cool, hard.

“You’ll be back as soon as this is over. Correct?”

There was a hesitation, just enough to have the director’s eyes narrowing before Jethro nodded sharply. Mac restrained his smile. He had a feeling Jethro wouldn’t be going anywhere. The hours he and Mac spent working the farm of the mornings were beginning to settle into the other man. Mac could see the peace gathering inside him. The farm had a way of doing that. Building inside a man, showing him what he could do with his own two hands and the sense of satisfaction that came from it.

“Well, I think I hear your wife, Mac,” Williams breathed out heavily. “Keep me apprised of your progress here. I’ll make sure you have everything you need to catch this bastard.”

“I appreciate it, Director.” Mac accepted the director’s handshake, noticing that the other man pointedly ignored Jethro as he turned to go.

“I’ll drop Heinagen and Sheffield off in Mount Pilot. They’ll be back here in the morning sometime,” Williams reminded them as they stepped into the hallway.

Keiley was stepping into the hardwood foyer, a creamy silk cobwebbed shawl over her arm and her purse over her shoulder. Her eyes were cool and challenging as she met the director’s.

“Good evening to you, Mrs. McCoy.” He inclined his head cordially. “It was good to see you again.”

“Good evening, Director. I’m glad we had a chance to visit for a moment.”

Mac had to smother his laughter. She was facing the director like a little terrier, determined to hold onto what she had claimed.

Stepping to her, Mac allowed his arm to curl around her before pulling her against his side. The steady warmth of her, the way she melted against him, the sweet acceptance she had always given him filled him once again.

He couldn’t keep from tightening his hold on her, hugging her perhaps a bit closer than normal, inhaling the sweet scent of her. And he couldn’t keep his body from responding to her. He hardened to the point of pain, to the point that he had to remind himself that the meeting had to come first, then the pleasure. So much pleasure and a sweet, hot, giving ecstasy that he had only found in her arms.

Nodding easily, Director Williams opened the door just as one of the investigative agents who had been sent into the treeline rang the doorbell.

“Director.” The blond haired agent nodded respectively. “There was nothing there soon. Tracks were brushed out and no casings were left. It’s clean.”