Forbidden Pleasure(89)

She turned back to him instead. “I—”

He laid his fingers on her lips. “You just needed to know the why of it, Keiley. Don’t make any decisions. Don’t worry about any of it. Decisions can wait, but sometimes, they come easier later if the understanding is there. I just wanted you to understand.”

Understand that everyone he should have been able to trust in as a child had betrayed him. As they had Mac. As she had been betrayed.

“Damn, we make a hell of a trio,” she sighed. “I think dysfunction is going to be our middle name.”

A grunt of a laugh surprised him. She made him laugh. She made him smile. She made him forget the shadows that had followed him the better part of his life.

“I love you, Kei,” he said softly then, watching the somberness that filled her gaze. “If you can’t love me, I’ll live. But nothing will change what I feel for you. And only for you. Now get that shower before the director demands my presence. Mac and I don’t have a problem sharing you between us, but if that bastard sees you na**d and soft I might have to kill him.”

He pushed her gently toward the bathroom. “Go on sweetheart. Remember, decisions are for later. For now, we have the ogre of the Bureau to face.”


“Director Williams, you remember my wife, Keiley.” Mac held his hand out to her as she stepped closer.

“Hello, Director Williams. It’s good to see you again.”

Richard Williams was a broad, rounded little man. He could have been a perfect St. Nick if his hair had been a bit more gray. His smile was wide, his cheeks ruddy, and sky-blue eyes twinkled back at her as he shook her hand.

“It’s good to see you again, Mrs. McCoy. I’m just sorry it was under these circumstances. As I was telling Mac, I’ve sent several agents onto the property to check for any evidence the shooter may have left. I know he was uncomfortable leaving you here alone while he and Jethro took care of it.”

“Mac and Jethro will handle the circumstances,” she responded, aware of Jethro moving just behind her shoulder as Mac stood at her side. “But I appreciate the help.”

“Jethro.” The merriment in the director’s gaze chilled as he glanced over his shoulder. “You were supposed to be on suspension, if you recall.”

“I’m enjoying my vacation greatly, Director Williams.”

She wondered if the director caught the slight edge of tension in his voice, though.

He grunted at Jethro’s comment before turning back to Mac.

“Tell me what you need,” he ordered then. His deep voice would have been booming if it weren’t for the control Keiley heard in it.

“The files I requested as well as access to the Bureau’s database. I want to catch him while he’s here, Director. It’s time to end this.”

“I’m sure his other victims feel the same.” Williams nodded as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks, pulling his jacket back as he stared back at them. “I’ve reinstated Jethro for this. We don’t need any problems once the Playboy is in custody. We’ll discuss the disciplinary measures you ignored when you return to D.C.,” he told Jethro.

“Discussion is the spice of life, Director. You know how much I enjoy it.”

Keiley winced. There was no mistaking the edge in his voice this time.

The director shook his head reprovingly before turning to Mac. “Do something with him.”

“I’m not his boss.” Mac shook his head with a laugh. “I’ll leave that up to you when this is finished. For now, I appreciate the help.”

The director rubbed his whiskered chin thoughtfully. “I’m sending Agents Heinagen and Sheffield back in the morning. Heinagen will take a room in town and see what he can learn. Sheffield was raised on a farm. Hire his ass and don’t give me any lip over it. He’ll watch your back and your wife’s and allow you to investigate what you need to while protecting her.”

Keiley glanced up at Mac before staring at the two agents. She had never seen two men least likely to have been raised on a farm.

“Agents Gregory Heinagen and Casey Sheffield,” Director Williams introduced her to them. “They’ll fly back with me to Mount Pilot and rent their vehicles before returning here early tomorrow. I agree with your assessment. The stalker won’t return tonight, and with both of you in the house, it’s doubtful he can breach the premises. Get this cleared up, though. I don’t like having one of my agents targeted.”

“Former agent,” Keiley reminded him with a cool curve to her lips and a warning glint in her eye.

“Former agent,” he agreed, but she knew, she could see the calculation in his eyes. He intended to have Mac back at the Bureau along with Jethro.

She pressed her lips together and stepped to the side, glancing back at Mac, then at Jethro.