Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,49

pulling away from Felicity to reassure his aunt. He beamed up at her. “We had ice cream for breakfast!”

Trish groaned. “Do you remember that talk we had about secrets, kid?” She rubbed her face.

“Mommy!” Althea interrupted, now launching herself at Felicity since she’d finished saying hello to her father. Oliver switched places with her, clinging to Logan.

“Don’t be mad at Aunt Trish,” Oliver pleaded. “It was strawberry ice cream, so it had fruit in it.”

“You can’t argue with the kid’s logic,” Marie said from the doorway, where she was leaning against the doorjamb and grinning.

“Wanna bet?” Felicity asked, amused. She didn’t mind the kids being spoiled while she and Logan were away, but if they thought it was going to keep up all the time, they had another think coming. Logan caught her eye and shook his head in apology. She shrugged.

They’d both known Trish and Marie would let them get away with all sorts of things.

It had been worth it.


With a groan, Logan fell back onto the couch, Felicity falling down next to him and shifting to snuggle into his side. The kids were asleep—finally—and they were all back home. Back to work tomorrow. Back to the grind.

It could have been depressing, but with Felicity happily settled in the crook of his arm, Logan was content. This weekend had been special. Amazing. But he loved this, too. Snuggling up with his wife after putting the kids to bed, knowing that all was right in their little corner of the universe.

He’d taken that for granted for a while, and he was determined not to do so again.

“Hey.” He jerked his shoulder, nudging her.

Felicity rolled her head back to look at up at him. “Yeah?”

“I love you.”

The brilliant smile he received in return was almost blinding. “I love you, too.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Mommy, Oliver touching me!”

“Am not, am not, am not,” Oliver chanted, holding his finger a mere centimeter away from Althea’s cheek.

“Oliver, cut it out.”

“I’m not touching her!”

Thankfully, they were at a stoplight, so she could catch his gaze in the rearview mirror. Felicity gave him her best ‘Mom’ look.

“Don’t almost touch her. Don’t look at her. Look out the window.”

Oliver groaned. “I don’t want to count trees.”

“Then stop bothering your sister.”

“I count trees!” Althea chirped happily. “One… two…”

Groaning, Oliver slumped back in his seat, but at least he was no longer bothering Althea. Five more minutes and they’d be home. The kids were all sugared up from a birthday party at their daycare. Which meant they’d likely crash at bedtime, but until then…

Man, she was so looking forward to her upcoming weekend with her besties. Just one week away from a weekend of gossip, junk food, and a trip to the spa. The spa was an early Christmas present from Logan. Just thinking about it helped release the tension in her back.

Thankfully, Oliver and Althea managed to leave each other alone for the rest of the ride home. They were in the kitchen helping her with dinner when she heard the front door open and Logan come in.


“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Oliver and Althea sprinted from the kitchen, and Felicity sighed at the suddenly empty room. Not exactly a sigh of relief, but an exhale into the emptiness, the sudden peace surrounding her.

“Hey, little monsters. Oof. Big hugs. Thank you.” There was a little pause. “Why don’t you two go keep helping your mom with dinner. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Hmm, it must have been a rough day at work. Most days, Logan either came into the kitchen to help out with the kids or kept them with him, playing in the family room while she finished up the meal. He only sent them right back to her if he was particularly exhausted.

The kids bounded back into the room, followed by Logan, who gave her a tired smile that was only a little strained.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said, leaning in to get his kiss. Felicity smiled against his lips before he pulled away.

“Hey, handsome.”

He glanced down at the fish she was seasoning. “Looks good.”

“Okay. Rough day?”

“Could have been worse,” he said, smiling down at Althea, who was winding herself around his leg. “The Senior VP wanted a ticket done by Friday, but it’s way too big to have complete by then without some intense overtime. He didn’t get why adding a field to the report would be a big deal and didn’t want to listen to any explanations.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Felicity asked, frowning. “Are you going to

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