Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,48

spending time together,” Gavin said. He shrugged, lifting Felicity’s shoulder. They walked through the door, and Logan waved at the front desk. The worker there looked a little concerned but must have recognized Logan as a guest because he waved his hand back. “Sorry, I was thinking out loud.”

“Find the right woman, and it becomes easier,” Logan said, punching the button for the elevator. Felicity hummed and leaned against him, her head lolling a little. “We still had to work at it, though.”

“Sometimes, even finding the right woman doesn’t make a difference,” Gavin said, laughing darkly, but didn’t say anything else, so Logan decided to leave it alone. He knew the sound of a man still hung up on a woman when he heard one. Maybe that was why he’d turned down the submissives tonight, although it didn’t explain what he’d been doing with that woman last night, unless…

Yeah, none of his business. He bit back the questions burning on his tongue. Gavin had been nice enough to help him and Felicity back to the hotel, he wasn’t going to poke at what was clearly an open wound.

They got Felicity down the hall, and Gavin said his farewell in front of their door.

“Thank you again,” Logan said.

“Any time,” Gavin replied with a cheery wink, the cloud of darkness now gone. “Good luck with the lass.” With that, he sauntered off.

Scooping Felicity up in his arms, Logan shouldered open the door and carried her in—his back only protested a little.


How had the weekend gone by so fast?

Well, it hadn’t helped that she and Logan had both slept in this morning. They’d ended up rushing around a bit to get checked out on time and had had to get on the road immediately. Trish had texted them the kids were getting a little anxious to see them—and so were she and Marie. Drive-thru breakfast hadn’t been the original plan, but oh well.

At least they had the drive home to unwind a little, and Felicity found she was really looking forward to seeing the kids. She was also kind of relieved they hadn’t made this a long weekend. If they had, there was no way she would have been up to going to the Outlands again for a third night and would have hated to disappoint Logan. Two nights in a row had been perfect. Sitting wasn’t particularly comfortable today, though—she was sore everywhere—so she could only imagine what a third night would have done to her.

She didn’t even want to orgasm again. Not for several days, at least. Her poor clit felt almost bruised. One thing for sure—she wouldn’t be using the Hitachi again any time soon. Maybe not for months. Just thinking about it made her want to run away.

No regrets, though.

Despite the aches and oversensitive body parts, she felt wonderful. Being able to let go and have Logan lead had been perfect. The sex had been amazing, of course, but the quality time with him, without the kids, and not having to be in charge of anything had been what she really needed. She felt satisfied and refreshed in a way that had nothing to do with multiple orgasms—not that she was complaining about those.

Well… she could have maybe done with a couple less last night. But it had still been really hot so…

“Are you ready for the onslaught?” Logan joked, squeezing her hand as he pulled onto their street. Felicity laughed.

“Absolutely,” she said. She’d missed the kids, even though she’d needed the time away from them. “Bet you Oliver runs to me, and Althea goes to you.”

“I’m not taking that bet,” Logan said, shaking his head. “That’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

She laughed again.

Logan parked the car, and they’d barely gotten the car doors open when the front door opened, and Oliver came bursting out, Althea only a few steps behind him, her chubby legs working overtime to try to catch up.

“You’re home! You’re home!”


Just as predicted, Oliver went running straight to Felicity, and she crouched down, opening her arms wide to catch him. Althea squealed happily as Logan lifted her into the air.

“I missed you!” Oliver wailed, tightening his arms around her neck.

“I missed you too, kiddo,” she said, turning her head to give him a kiss and breathe in the unique scent of her baby.

“Good grief, you’d think they had a terrible weekend,” Trish said, coming down the walk, laughing. “They were just fine until you pulled up.”

“It was a good weekend, Aunt Trish,” Oliver said earnestly,

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