Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,30

with the same motif as the hallway upstairs. A big desk sat in front of the next door, which had another two bouncers. Gavin wasn’t taking any chances with unwelcome visitors sneaking in.

“Hello! Welcome to the Outlands,” the young woman said with a bright smile, standing behind the desk Probably in her twenties, black, and generously curved, she was dressed in a fitted white button-down shirt, her braids pulled back in two buns, and red thick-framed glasses perched on her nose. She looked like someone’s sexy librarian fantasy. “Can I have your names please?”

“Logan and Felicity Hunt,” Logan answered, walking up to her. Felicity trailed behind, just a little, holding back shyly and looking around at the art on the walls. There was nothing in here to denote they were in a BDSM club, but unlike upstairs, the art down here was of people in various stages of undress. They weren’t blatantly erotic, and from the quick glance he took, he could see they featured all sorts of body types and people.

“Oh, yes, I saw your name on the list for tonight,” the woman said with a smile that lit up her whole face. “I’m Eben, nice to meet you. If you have any questions, please let me know. There are just a few things for you to sign, then you can go right in.” Pulling out two large clipboards, she handed them over the counter to Logan and Felicity.

Logan skimmed over them, making sure they were the same as what he’d received over email. Felicity was a much faster reader than him, so she finished not long after he did, practically bouncing on her toes with excitement. They were just basic agreements to keep the secrets of The Outlands, acknowledging the club’s rules, and as temporary guests, they were only going to scene with each other, although they were welcome to watch the other scenes in progress.

Handing the clipboards back to Eben, Logan accepted the two blue paper bracelets she gave him, helping Felicity put hers on before he took her hand again. She was quivering with a combination of nerves and excitement, and he could feel those same emotions bubbling up inside.

“The bracelets mark you as guests,” Eben said. Her dark eyes twinkled as if she was enjoying their excitement. “There’s a changing room with lockers to the left as soon as you walk in if you’d like to change any of your clothes. There’s also a station outside the changing room where you can drop your kit if you don’t want to carry it around. You can just pick it up when you’re ready to scene.

“Dungeon monitors wear vests trimmed with a bright orange band. They should be pretty impossible to miss, but you can ask anyone to point them out to you. If you have any issues with anything or anyone, get one of them first. The club safe word is ‘red,’ so don’t use it unless you mean it because everyone will come running.”

“Got it,” Logan said, squeezing Felicity’s hand. He tilted his head toward her and winked. “We have our own personal safe word, too.”

‘Lassie’—as in the dog. Felicity had loved that show growing up and liked the idea of using the name to indicate she needed to be rescued. The only time she’d ever had to use it was when they hadn’t known she was pregnant with Oliver, and she’d gotten incredibly nauseous after being put on a spanking bench. Felicity giggled, squeezing his hand back.

“Perfect.” Eben beamed at them. “Have a wonderful evening! If you need anything or have any questions, you can also come back out here to talk to me.”

“Thank you.” Logan used his hand to direct Felicity to the door. One of the men standing there opened it, and they walked into the dungeon.


Walking into the dungeon, Felicity had to quell the urge to run. Not because she was afraid of what Logan would do to her—she was looking forward to that—but she felt so overwhelmed. It had been a really long time since they’d been in a club.

Even though they’d never been to this club, the sight of so many people wearing leather and latex, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, the cries of pain and pleasure… all hit her in a rush of déjà vu, stirring her emotions into a chaotic mess that slammed into her with a force which was almost physical. If Logan hadn’t been holding her hand, she might have run back to

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