Logan (Dad Bod Doms #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,16

well, in way too long. I don’t know why it never occurred to me to just take a personal day from work.”

“It’s cuz you’re a pleaser,” Marie said succinctly.

“A pleaser?”

“Yeah, you want to please everyone. You want to please your boss, so you don’t take off work unless you absolutely have to. You want to please Logan, so you don’t ask for help until you’re crumbling. You want to please the kids, so you turn yourself upside down, keeping them entertained. It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle when you spend all your time concentrating on whatever everyone else needs.”

Wow. That… yeah, a lot of that hit home.

Trish turned her head toward Felicity, cracking one eye open.

“It would probably help if you started thinking about what you want and need. I know Logan was kicking himself last night for not realizing what you needed but being able to tell him would go a long way toward getting it.”

“Yeah,” Felicity sighed. “I’m kicking myself over that, too. I shouldn’t have blown up the way I did.”

“You were at the end of your rope.” Trish reached over to pat her arm. “And Logan was an ass. We made sure he knew it, too.”

“I talked to Anita and Tania last night and told them I thought he’d probably gone to your place.” Felicity grinned as she remembered the conversation she’d had with her friends the night before. “Tania said you’d set him straight.”

“That’s not my area of expertise,” Marie said dryly.

“That’s almost exactly what I said you’d say!” They all started laughing, and Felicity’s face almost hurt from grinning so widely.

“That’s my funny girl,” Trish teased, reaching over to hold Marie’s hand before turning back to Felicity. “Seriously, though, he really was an ass.” She glanced at the nail techs, obviously not wanting to talk about spanking in front of them, but Felicity knew what she was referring to. “He knows he didn’t do a great job of communicating either and completely misread what was going on.”

Felicity nodded.

Communication was one of the most important parts of BDSM, but neither she nor Logan had been stellar at it. Then again, it had been a long time since they’d done anything remotely kinky. Geez… seriously, like… wow, years. Somehow, they’d lost touch with that part of themselves. She didn’t have any objection to being spanked again. Actually, in the right circumstances, that would be good. Really, really good.

Last night had not been anywhere close to the right circumstances.

“We told Logan we’d take the kids when you two go away together, so he can afford a sitter for part of the time you’re away with your friends,” Trish said, startling Felicity.


The pair didn’t want kids, and although they loved Oliver and Althea, they tried to minimize their babysitting time as much as possible. Trish had never even held a baby until Oliver was born. Marie was the oldest of seven children and said helping to raise them had been enough childrearing for her. They were always willing to help out in a pinch, but Logan and Felicity tried to mostly keep them out of it, respecting their boundaries unless they truly couldn’t find anyone else.

They had definitely never offered before.

“Yeah,” Trish said, although she looked a little nervous. “They’re basically tiny people now. I don’t have to be as worried about dropping Althea. She’s like a tiny koala with the way she holds on.”

Marie snorted. “She thinks it’s going to be easier now.” She shot Trish a fond look. “I still don’t want my own, but… I wouldn’t mind having some kid energy in the house now and then. Watching the videos my brother and sisters keep posting of their kids is reminding me how fast they grow up. We’re too far away to regularly spend time with them, but we can spend time with Oliver and Althea.”

“Thank you two, so much.” Tears pricked the backs of Felicity’s eyes. Ugh, she really needed to stop crying so much.

“Just make good use of it,” Marie said, winking at Felicity. “Now, where do we want to go for lunch? I’m starving.”

Chapter Four


“Daaaaaaaddy, Oliver touchin’ me!”

“Oliver, stop touching your sister.”

“Tell her to stop looking at me funny!”


“Althea, stop looking at your brother. Just… both of you, just stop.”

Even though he’d only worked six hours, since he’d left early to pick them up from daycare, the bickering was grating on his nerves. Were they this bad in the mornings, did he have more patience at the beginning of the

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