Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,66

hand. “I d-don’t remember.”

“You’re on a lot of pain meds right now.”

“It h-hurts to breathe.”

“Your ribs are pretty beat up. Just focus on me and you’ll be fine.”

Logan concentrated on his breathing, letting himself fall into a slow, measured rhythm.

The nurse bustled in a few minutes later and checked Bailey’s vitals. She asked him a few questions, which Bailey managed to answer weakly before she adjusted one of the IV machines. Bailey slipped to sleep moments later.

“He’s a fighter.”

Logan nodded. “He is.”

“Good. He’ll be out of it for a while. I’m hoping he’ll get a few hours of sleep. Do you have more people here other than the scary dude at the door?”

“We do. They’re in the lobby.”

“Good. You should go update them and send them home. The police will want to question him, but I’ll have them come—”

“I’ve already spoken to the detective.”

The nurse scowled in confusion.

“I’ve been working the case.”

Her sharp inhalation had Logan looking up and meeting her gaze. She’d quickly come to the same conclusion Logan had hours before. Bailey was here because of him. This attack was against him, not Bailey.


The nurse left, and Gideon came through. “Stay with him. I’m going to go update the others and send them home.”

Gideon nodded and moved to Bailey’s side. He touched Bailey’s arm and closed his eyes, no doubt making the same vow Logan had been repeating as a mantra for the past little while.

They were going to find this thing, and when they did, they would kill it.

Logan went out to the waiting area and found his entire pack waiting for him. “They’re keeping him tonight, so you need to head home. He won’t be awake until morning.”

After giving them an update on Bailey’s condition, Logan made sure to touch each of them gently on the neck. When he finished, the hospital doors opened, and an older couple walked in.

Logan caught the scent of other at the same time Ashley sucked in a breath.

“Mrs. Cairn.”

She darted over, and the woman pulled her into a hug. “Where is he?”

“He’s in the back. Logan can update you.”


“Bailey’s… um… boyfriend. It’s new.”

Bailey’s parents. It took Logan a second to process, but then he moved closer and held out his hand. “I’m sorry to meet you under these circumstances.”

“How’s my boy?”

Logan repeated the update, still trying to process why he could scent other on them. His wolf paced inside him, not wanting anything else near Bailey.

“Please thank your other friend for driving us,” Mrs. Cairn said. “It was so nice of them to help.”

Other friend.

“Don’t ask questions.” The oracle spoke in his ear, sterner than he’d ever heard the voice sound.

“It was no trouble,” Logan said to Bailey’s mom.

Had the oracle shown up himself to pick up Bailey’s parents? Logan catalogued the unfamiliar scent and let his wolf process whatever information he could glean from it as he led both of Bailey’s parents through to the back.

The nurse gave him a warning glare, and he nodded. He wouldn’t let them stay long and disturb Bailey’s rest. Gideon stepped aside as they reached Bailey’s bed, and Logan put a supportive arm around Bailey’s mother when she got her first look at Bailey’s face. “My sweet boy.”

She sank down in the chair Logan had been sitting in and ran her hand gently over his head. Bailey’s father stood at his feet, his face set in a stern expression Logan also recognized. He put his hand on Bailey’s foot and clenched his teeth.

“He’s going to be okay,” Logan whispered to the older man.

“He told me he’d been taking precautions,” Mr. Cairn said. “That there’d been a close call with Ashley, so they were being extra safe.”

“They were.”

“What is being done to stop this monster?”

“Everything in our power, I promise you.”

Mr. Cairn looked over at him. “My boy told me he’d met someone special but wasn’t ready to talk details.”

There wasn’t a question, but Logan felt compelled to answer anyway. “He is special to me.”

Mr. Cairn nodded, then moved away from Logan’s side. He went to his wife, and they both spoke quietly to their son. Logan tuned out the words as he left the hospital room.

Detective Alfred stood outside with Gideon.

Logan didn’t need to ask if they’d found anything at the scene. The look on the detective’s face said it all.



Logan knelt on the sidewalk outside the theater. His wolf wanted to fight, and Logan wanted nothing more than to free him and let him hunt this monster down. It would feel so

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