Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,65

what Bailey needs right now. He needs his alpha.”

Logan pulled in a breath and nodded.

“We’ll be with you, but you can’t lose it. You need to prepare yourself for what you’re going to see,” Gideon said softly.

“I won’t lose control.”

“Good. Then let’s go.”

They’d only made it a few steps into the emergency room when they found Will. His eyes were red, and he had blood on his hands and shirt. Logan sucked in a breath and moved forward.

“Logan,” Will gasped. “He was asking for you.”

“Why aren’t you with him?”

Will’s breath hitched. “I’m not on his insurance. They won’t update me on anything.”

“His parents need to be notified,” the oracle said in his ear. “I’ll handle it. Give me a moment, and then go tell the nurse that you’re on his approved list.”

Logan’s wolf paced inside him, and only Aleron and Gideon’s steady presence at his side kept him from shifting and going through any obstacle between him and Bailey.

Before he could, a nurse opened the door and glanced around the waiting area. She locked on to them within seconds and began heading their way. “You’re here for Mr. Cairn?”

Logan nodded.

“Is one of you Logan?”

Logan stepped forward. “Me.”


Logan clenched his jaw and nodded. “How is he?”

“He’s asking for you. The doctor said it was okay to bring you back.”

“He’s awake,” Will gasped. He wobbled, and Aleron looped an arm around him and held him up.

The nurse nodded and looked Will up and down. “I’m going to get you a set of scrubs and into a shower. You need to clean up. Logan, with me.”

Logan wasn’t a stranger to following orders, and he followed the nurse without question. Gideon stuck to his side, while Aleron remained behind with Will.

The nurse gave them a look when Gideon parked himself outside the room with Bailey’s name written on the dry erase board on the wall. “I’m staying until the police arrive.”

“You get in my way and you’ll get out,” the nurse replied.

“Understood,” Gideon said.

She opened the door, and Logan followed her inside. He braced himself for what he would see, but it didn’t help. Bailey had a number of wires connected to him, and the heart monitor beeped with a reassuring rhythm. But if Logan hadn’t smelled him… he wouldn’t have been able to tell it was Bailey.

His hair was swept back from his face, which was covered in bruises. His eyes were severely swollen, and he had tape over his nose. Logan wondered if it had been broken. They’d removed his shirt, and Logan could see bandages peeking out from under the sheets.

The nurse gave him a moment before she touched his arm. “He’s pretty out of it right now. We gave him some pain meds to help. He keeps waking up and asking for you, though, so we’re hoping you being here will help him relax.”

Logan nodded and moved closer to the bed. Bailey’s heart had begun to race. He touched his hand and leaned closer. “I’m here. You can rest, Bails. I’m here.”

He didn’t know where to touch but put his hand on Bailey’s forehead.

“We’re going to keep him overnight, but he’ll be okay. We’ll have a counselor come by tomorrow to set up some time with him as well.”

“That’s good.”

“Sadly, we’ve seen this more than I’d like to admit. Take care of him, and just push the button if you need anything.”

Logan nodded. He tugged the chair in the corner closer to the bed and sank down into it. Minutes or hours could have passed. All concept of time faded as he stared down at Bailey, holding on to his hand and praying to whatever Goddess was still listening that Bailey would be okay. And if it wasn’t too much to ask, Logan really wanted her to help him find the incubus so he could rip it limb from limb.

Finally, Bailey’s heartbeat changed. Logan sat up from his slouch and began slowly stroking his thumb over Bailey’s hand. “I’m here. You’re safe. I’m here.”

Bailey opened his eyes and rolled his head to find Logan. He tried to talk but couldn’t seem to form words.

Logan smiled at him and continued holding his hand. “You’re okay. I’m here.”

Bailey tried to move and winced, which drew a hiss of pain from him. Logan reached over and pushed the call button for the nurse.

“Wh-what happened?” The words were a little slurred, but Logan understood.

“You were attacked outside the theater. You’re okay, though. You got away.”

Bailey’s breath hitched, and he tightened his grip on Logan’s

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