Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,76

to assess the scene,” she says, scowling at us. “With all of the accidents happening on this campus this year, there will be a thorough investigation.”

Ms. Poppin steps toward the older woman. “We made sure there were no peanuts in the area when we prepared the food,” she says, but she too is prodding and stirring each dish with a fork. “Our staff are experts at avoiding food contamination. I don’t know what happened.”

The headmistress’s expression is like steel. “Everyone, put your personal belongings on this table and step back. We’re going to search through them.” She taps the gift table firmly, making the wrapped boxes and bags crinkle in protest.

“You can’t be serious,” I say. “None of us did this to Gul.”

Headmistress Morgan doesn’t deign to respond. Instead, she taps the table again once with a pointed finger.

“It’s fine,” Adrienne whispers to me. “They’ll go through our things and they won’t find anything. Then they’ll let us go.”

Ricardo moves to my side. “You’re right. We’ve got nothing to fear, unless you took the opportunity to poison a girl we know you’re not fond of?” Ricardo is teasing as he speaks, but I don’t find it funny. My answering glare wipes the smirk off his face.

My bag feels heavier than it should as I lift it off the back of my chair. Opening it, I peer inside. Wallet. Lipstick. Emergency first aid kit. Breath mints. I stop dead in my tracks as my heart starts to pound.

There’s a tiny glass bottle in the bottom of my bag with the residue of a tan, powdery substance inside. Turning away from the headmistress, I lift the bag to my face. A distinct, nutty scent fills my nostrils.


I look around at everyone as they shuffle toward where Headmistress Morgan is collecting wallets, purses, jackets, and coats.

Someone in this room planted a tiny vial of ground peanuts in my bag.

They’re trying to frame me for the attack on Gul.

But who?


The vial is still warm as I wrap my fingers around it. Blood roars in my ears, blocking out the chaos in the room all around me.

“Miss Cavendish-Holt, I’m waiting.” The headmistress’s voice brooks no argument. Impatient. Cold. That witch always hated me. If she catches me with this vial of peanuts, Gul won’t be the only one whose fate is hanging in the balance tonight.

Think, Charlotte. Think.

Eyes wide, I tuck the vial into my bra, pretending to adjust the cups as I withdraw my hand. Ordinarily, I would never be seen adjusting my underwear in public—it’s a huge faux pas—but drastic times call for drastic measures.

“I’m coming, Headmistress.” Spinning in my high heels, I stride to where the older woman is standing and plunk my purse down on the table. “Here it is. I expect it back promptly.”

With a cocked eyebrow, Headmistress Morgan gestures for one of the security guards to step forward. “Now that we’ve got everyone’s things…” Her cold eyes brush over me from head to toe before she turns to the guard. “Start with this one,” she says, pushing my clutch toward his waiting hands.

My cheeks flush as I watch Officer Morris paw through my things, examining each item as he pulls it out of the bag.

“I wouldn’t open that if I were you,” I warn when he withdraws the small, pearlescent zipper pouch I always keep on me.

“Sorry, Miss. Orders are orders.”

I shrug. “Suit yourself.”

Unzipping the pouch, he pokes a finger inside before yelping and dropping the bag to the table like he’s been bitten by a snake. A tampon rolls out over the tabletop.

With a quick roll of my eyes, I snap. “Sanitary products are not deadly, Officer Morris. You won’t contract the plague by touching a tampon. Contrary to public opinion.”

I don’t miss the snicker Adrienne tries to hide behind her hand as I shove my tampon back into the zippered pouch. “Are you done with my things?”

When the guard nods in embarrassment, I whisk my bag off the table and lock eyes with my sister. “Adrienne, I’ll meet you in my room, okay? I have to go. Cal, your keys?”

Cal nods and hands me the keys from his pocket. “Let us know how she’s doing, okay?”

A quick nod in response. “Will do. Ricardo?”

“Ready, mon coeur.” He matches stride with me as I scurry out of the banquet room toward the front door, shrugging into my faux fur coat. Officer Morris moves on to the next bag on the table as we exit the banquet room.

Ricardo pulls on

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