Lethal Queen Bee (Embassy Academy #2) - Emily Kazmierski Page 0,75

thoughts, I try to enjoy my party. I sneak a glance down the table at Gul. I still have to find an opportunity to talk to her.

Finally there’s a lull in the conversation around the table. It’s my chance. I glide around the table and slide into Grady’s vacated seat. He’s going for round two at the buffet. “I’m so glad you and Grady could make it,” I whisper to Gul. “How’s dinner?”

“Delicious, but we both know you didn’t come over here for small talk.” She shoots an annoyed look at me.

I smile. “I’ve always liked how straightforward you are, which is why it’s so strange that you won’t tell me why you were outside the night Professor Rook was killed. Here’s the thing. Ricardo showed me a video of you sneaking into the classroom wing one night over break, and soon after the professor leaves the area. So I’m wondering: what were you doing there? Were you meeting Professor Rook? Care to tell me why?”

Gul pales, her eyes falling to her plate. “I wasn’t meeting him, okay? But I can’t tell you what I was doing there.”

“Are you sure? Because I’d hate for a rumor to start about you and the professor. Especially now that you’re with Grady, and he doesn’t deserve to have his heart broken. Again.” I lick my lips. I would never start a rumor about Gul. It’s beneath me, but she doesn’t need to do that. Bluffing is a significant part of politics, which means I’ve spent enough time to master it. It comes in handy often.

Gul’s expression hardens. “I’m not telling you anything. I wasn’t meeting Rook.” She takes a careful bite of her panang curry.

“Are you sure? Because it’s pretty coincidental that you were seen in the classroom wing when he was there, alone, and then you just happened to be outside when he was run over. Are you sure you weren’t meeting him? Maybe you knew he was going to be run over. Maybe that’s why you were outside. You were in on it.” My eyes widen as the thought hits me.

Gul’s face has gone from pale to blotchy red. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she splutters, throwing her fork down. Her fingers curl around her throat as the redness spreads over her face and throat. She wheezes. “What have you done?” Coughing, she pushes back from the table.

Grady hustles over from the buffet table, concern washing over his face. “Gul? Are you okay?”

Gul struggles to speak, clutching her throat. “Allergic reaction,” she rasps. “Get my EpiPen.” Her gasps for breath fill the room, alerting the rest of my guests.

Everyone goes silent as they watch Grady rifle through his girlfriend’s purse. “Did you make sure there weren’t any peanuts in the food?” He shoots a harsh look at me. “She’s deathly allergic.”

I fly out of my seat. “I know that. I made sure of it. I triple checked with the chef. It’s not the food.” But I’m not so sure. Accidents happen. Running toward the buffet table, I whip the lids off the chafing dishes. Sniff each dish for the scent of peanuts, but there’s nothing.

Ms. Poppin comes out of the kitchen as the chafing dishes clang, and spots Gul. She hurries over and hovers near Grady. “What can I do?” she asks.

Gul’s gasps grow louder, piercing the air, a jarring juxtaposition with the swing music still playing through the artfully hidden speakers.

“Someone call 911,” Grady cries as he dumps out Gul’s purse in search of her EpiPen.

Adrienne is already on the phone, talking to someone whom I suppose is an emergency operator. Mikhail stands like a pillar beside her, taking in the scene.

“Found it!” Grady shouts. “What do I do with it?” His skin is clammy as his eyes skitter over the rest of us, holding out the small implement in one hand.

“Give it here,” Kenneth says, snatching the EpiPen from Grady’s outstretched hand and approaching Gul. “I’m going to administer this, okay?” he asks, and injects it into Gul’s thigh almost before she can nod in assent. Once done, he guides her to a chair and makes her sit, kneeling in front of her and watching for signs the medicine is taking effect.

Grady paces behind Gul’s chair, not taking his eyes off his girlfriend.

In mere minutes, the EMTs arrive. They work quickly, strapping Gul to a gurney and rushing her out with Grady chasing after them.

Headmistress Morgan arrives with several of the security guards in tow. “We’re here

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