Legon Awakening - By Nicholas Taylor Page 0,30

wanted to say I’m sorry for not being honest with you and… if you want to talk about it, we’re here.”

There you go giving aid and concern to someone you should have left in the broken house, someone who doesn’t deserve it.

“I know you are, and I know you just wanted me to be happy and have a normal life. I’m fine, but I have a headache and I need to go to bed.”

He stood and walked up the stairs straight to his room. He could see that Sasha’s door was closed and he was thankful. He didn’t care to talk to her right now; he was still feeling guilty about his desire to leave the family to their own devices and save his own neck.

He peeled off his clothes as he entered his room and flopped onto his bed. He felt so tired and his head was pounding. He laid his head on his pillow and felt himself begin to drift off to sleep. He hadn’t even take the time to close his bedroom door.

He wanted to sleep but he was cold and his bed felt hard. He rolled over and opened his eyes. To his surprise he realized he was on the ground, on the ground outside. He stood up and looked around. The ground that he was on was just dirt and rocks. He was in mist and couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of him. This felt familiar but somehow unfamiliar at the same time. He must be dreaming; this place had that feel about it. He began to walk and realized that he had a dream like this not too long ago. “Odd. How come I couldn’t remember it before?” he thought.

The last time he was in a field when… “there was a dragon” he thought. Legon went rigid. This may have been a dream, but he still didn’t want to deal with a dragon.

He heard the sound of moving rocks, which didn’t help his feeling of foreboding. He began to pick up his pace a bit, looking for a place to hide until the mist cleared. He felt his lungs burn and he moved faster. Before he knew it he was in the field by the sea from the last dream.

But in this dream the air was thin. He knew that he must be up high, perhaps on a mountain top, and that this mist was probably a cloud. So was he by the sea or wasn’t he? It seemed like he was in both places, high on a mountain and by the sea. Suddenly from behind him there came a resounding “thud.” He moved faster, feeling his legs begin to burn. “Thud.” This time it was above his head. ”Thud.” Right in front of him. The sound of claws sinking into earth and breaking rock filled the air. He skidded to a halt as he saw a huge shadow rise in the mist ahead of him.

The mist parted and he tried to scream, but his voice wouldn’t respond. In front of him was a hulking black dragon with scales the color of coal, seeming to absorb the light. Its giant claws looked to be made of solid gold. Long flat plates crossed its chest at the bottom of its long, snake-like neck. At the top of the neck and more than forty feet off the ground was its head. It was triangular with two golden horns that swept back, and when the dragon breathed out, orange circlets appeared in the nostrils. Two long teeth that looked like they were made of pearl jutted from the top of the mouth.

A row of gold spikes ran down its back and tail. The thing that scared Legon the most were the eyes. They were as large as serving platters and were blood red. Everything on the dragon seemed to leech the light from the world, but not the eyes. They glowed with a cruel intensity, and they were looking at him.

Not only could he not scream, but he felt like his feet were planted in the rocky ground. It was stupid not to run, but he couldn’t. He was going to die and there was nothing he could do to stop it. As this realization came, his fear subsided and was replaced by remorse. He was sorry that he had wanted to leave his family, sorry he couldn’t be there for Sasha and sorry he hadn’t been a better brother and son.

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