Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) - Shannon Messenger Page 0,188

to protect her.

And this was supposed to be a quick visit.

A spontaneous visit.

“How did you know we were here?” she whispered, even though she could probably guess Lady Gisela’s answer.

“Unlike the Black Swan, we monitor our paths closely,” Lady Gisela told her. “This one in particular, since I knew my son’s journey would soon lead you here. It actually took you longer than I expected for you to put everything together. It’s been somewhat disappointing—though I suppose you’ve been busy playing mascot to the Council. Look at you, wearing their shiny Regent pin on your cape, even as you rebel. Such mixed signals. Such bravado. And I mean it, Fitz—dagger down.”

“Or what?” Fitz countered, raising the blade and squinting one eye—lining up his aim. “You keep giving orders, but all I see is a Polyglot in an ugly cloak who knows how to manipulate her son’s emotions. Without one of Ruy’s force fields to shield you, I don’t see why I can’t end you right here, right now.”

Lady Gisela inclined her head. “You know, I believe you really would do it. Such a dark side you’ve turned out to have. Particularly ironic given how much you condemn your brother—and yet I see more violence in your eyes than I’ve ever seen in his.”

Fitz gripped his dagger harder. “I have no problem ending the enemy. My conscience will be clear.”

“Will it?” Lady Gisela asked, raising one eyebrow when Fitz nodded. “You know, I almost want to let you do it. It’s always fascinating to witness the folly of arrogance. But I’m not done with our Shade yet. So allow me to show you why you won’t be hurling any weapons at me—and neither will my son. This is why you’re going to cooperate for the rest of this conversation.”

She backed up a step, giving her widest smile yet as she commanded, “Show yourself.”

And the shadows in front of her thinned and faded—as if someone was peeling back a series of dark veils one by one, revealing a second black-cloaked figure with outstretched arms, standing as a living shield in front of Lady Gisela.

And Sophie knew—knew—who the figure had to be.

She clutched her stomach, trying to hold herself together as Lady Gisela pulled back the figure’s hood, revealing a familiar face half hidden by dark, silver-tipped bangs.

And there was genuine fear in his silver-flecked eyes as Sophie whispered, “Tam?”



Joyless, hysterical laughter that went on and on—until Keefe was clutching his sides and wiping tears from his cheeks.

“Enough with the theatrics,” Lady Gisela told him.

Keefe snorted. “You’re complaining about my theatrics? Isn’t this the epic showdown you’ve been planning where you order Tammy Boy to kill me? Thanks for the warning about that, by the way,” he told Tam. “As you can see, it worked super well.”

Lady Gisela’s eyes narrowed, studying Tam like she was seeing him for the first time—and making it glaringly clear that she’d had no idea he’d passed along any messages.

Which made the threat against Keefe all the more horrifying.

Sophie stepped in front of him.

“Oh, relax,” Lady Gisela told her. “Like I said, I’m only here for a quick chat.”

“Aw, but the setting is so perfect!” Keefe argued. “The misty air. The shadowy street. The strange human sounds—are those sirens? Seems like an awesome moment to murder your only son, don’t you think?”

Lady Gisela sighed. “Must everything be a joke to you?”

Keefe considered that for a second before he said, “I wanna say yes—but you know what I don’t find funny? I’m really not a fan of you thinking you can scare me.”

“I do scare you, Keefe. I terrify you. And only part of that is because of what you think you know about me.” She took a step closer. “We both know that what really frightens you is how very alike we are.”

“We’re nothing alike,” Keefe snarled, holding up the throwing star again.

“Go ahead,” Lady Gisela told him. “I guarantee the only person you’ll hit is Tam.”

“Wow, look at you—cowering behind your little Shade,” Keefe snapped back.

“If you realized how powerful Tam is, you’d be cowering too,” Lady Gisela insisted. “But that’s not what I came here to tell you. It’s time to focus, Keefe. Time to listen. Time to stop fighting who you are and what you’re meant to do. I’ve tried to be patient. Tried to push you and test you and prepare you any way I could. But you’re still not ready, and we’re drawing very close to

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