Legacy (Keeper of the Lost Cities #8) - Shannon Messenger Page 0,187

hand on Sophie’s shoulder. “Did something just sparkle in that metal piece under the light bulb of the streetlamp?”

Sophie followed the angle of his stare, which did look similar to the angle that Lady Gisela’s head had been tilted in the photograph.

And there did seem to be something glittering where he was pointing—but it was hard to tell with it being so dark.

“I guess it’d make sense to build the path into a streetlamp,” she realized. “That way it’s still usable on a rainy day. Maybe that’s why they chose the lantern in Paris, too.”

“Oh, that’s true,” Fitz said. “I didn’t think of that. I’m going to levitate up there and check.”

Sophie tightened her grip on his hand. “You can’t. We only have one obscurer—and people would definitely notice a cute guy in a cape flying up to the top of the streetlamp.”

“So what you’re saying is… you think I’m cute,” Fitz noted with a grin.

Keefe groaned. “If you guys go Fitzphie on me right now, I swear, I’ll drag us all into the river.”

“Or how about I levitate us up to the top of the streetlamp and we check for a hidden crystal?” Fitz countered.

“There’s no need,” a familiar voice informed them—a voice that made Sophie want to scream or hide or find something really sharp to fling.

But she did none of those things.

Neither did Keefe or Fitz.

They simply stared in fascinated horror at the black-cloaked figure striding through the middle of the street, making all the cars honk and swerve around them.

“Congratulations!” Lady Gisela shouted, tossing back her hood. A net of beaded silver covered her immaculate blond updo—probably some gadget meant to block abilities—and her ice blue eyes studied her son with the strangest mix of delight and disdain as she added, “You found what you were looking for!”






But one word clawed its way to the front of the chaos.


This was why she’d reset her abilities.

The thing Lady Gisela wasn’t prepared for.

Their chance for escape—for victory!

Inflict. Inflict. Inflict.

But when Sophie dived into her rage and terror, the darkness didn’t boil over.

It stayed deep in her mind, stewing and brewing—waiting for… something.

A spark to the kindling.

A burst of energy.

A command Sophie didn’t know—and couldn’t figure out.

She wanted to wail and thrash and squeeze her brain until it surrendered—but she didn’t have time for any of those things.

“Looks like the moonlark’s learned some restraint,” Lady Gisela said as she strode up onto the sidewalk, only steps away from them.

Her face looked extra pale in the glow of the streetlight, turning downright ghostly when her cheeks pulled into a warped smile. After Fintan’s betrayal, Lady Gisela had been covered in curved scars—but those were gone now, replaced by skin stretched too tightly across her bones.

“How can you see us?” Sophie wondered as she backed up, positioning herself between Fitz and Keefe.

The pedestrians around them still didn’t seem to be able to tell they were there—and no one seemed to see Keefe’s mom anymore either. Several people were shouting to each other, wondering where the “freaky lady” had gone. Others were scurrying into the night, trusting their instincts over their eyes.

Sophie wished she could tell them all to run faster.

But they wouldn’t hear her.

“Obscurers can easily be detected—and controlled,” Lady Gisela explained to her. “And put the weapon away, Keefe,” she ordered.

Sophie’s heart stopped when she turned and spotted the goblin throwing star clutched in Keefe’s right hand—and the hateful determination in his eyes.

His mom wagged a finger at him, like he was a naughty toddler. “None of that. We’re going to have a quick chat—and we’re going to keep it free of flying weapons, since those could hit any of these nice, innocent people trying to be brave and stick to their paths. You wouldn’t want to harm anyone else, would you?”

“What do you mean ‘else’?” Keefe spat through gritted teeth, rising so easily to her bait.

His mom smiled wider. “You know very well who I mean. Why would we be here otherwise?”

The blow was aimed perfectly, and Keefe stumbled back, his body shaking, shaking, shaking.

Sophie tried to reach for him, but he pulled too far away.

“You can drop the knife, Fitz,” Lady Gisela added, and Sophie spun around, gaping at the finger-length dagger she hadn’t noticed in Fitz’s hand.

Apparently, she’d been the only one too naive to bring any weapons.

If something happens to you or your friends, Sandor had warned her, you’re going to have to live with it!

But her abilities were supposed

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