Learning to Trust - M.A. Innes Page 0,37

worried about it, though.

I’d have an early midlife crisis and worry over it in a few years.

He was still giving me that you’re an idiot expression. “So what I’m trying to point out to you is that the fact that Morgan is a guy and you’re not especially attracted to anyone might not really matter in the little part of your relationship, but you might want to think about how you feel about him as you guys figure out the whole Daddy thing.”

“I haven’t admitted I’m his Daddy.” He started giggling again. “Fine, I’ll discuss that with him.”

“And you’ll think about the sex part as you get to know him?” He seemed to find my frustrated expression cute because he grinned again. “I’m not saying you have to date him or anything, but just don’t ignore any physical feelings you might have because you’re not expecting them. You can be a bit…overly focused on some parts of life, and you might miss it. Like the whole you’re his Daddy thing.”

For goodness’ sake. “Fine. I’ll think about it. But I’m not promising anything. Now can we be done?”

He went back to grinning. “Sure. I didn’t think you’d last that long at all. I thought you’d throw something at me or call Avery first and tell him I was driving you insane. I’m very proud of you.”

“I’m going to keep that idea in mind next time you feel the need to analyze me.” I gestured toward the television. “Can we find a movie now?”

“Sure.” Destin beamed as he reached over and snatched the remote from my hand. “Morgan should be home soon, right? Let’s find a Disney movie or maybe something like Toy Story. That’s always good.”

Before I could complain about losing control over the remote and the movie option in general, the door opened and Morgan came walking in. “How much of the movie did I miss?”

I had a feeling he’d been trying to figure out a good way to jump into the conversation without asking about Destin’s reaction to his toys and his little side because that seemed very smooth and practiced for him.

“None. I was grilling your Daddy about all kinds of things.” Destin didn’t seem to notice how wide Morgan’s eyes got because he just kept going. “Did you know he didn’t realize he was your Daddy?”

Morgan just stood there for several seconds as his eyes darted between us. I wasn’t sure what he’d say, but when he simply nodded and gave a half shrug, I sighed. “Really?”

They both giggled.

“Fine. I’ll accept that I missed a few cues in our friendship. Do you have an issue with my taking on that role? I realize our relationship isn’t—”

Destin jumped in. “For fuck’s sake stop rambling like you’re a confused forty-year-old.”

He turned to Morgan. “He’s trying to ask if it’s okay that he’s your Daddy if he doesn’t want to have sex or anything like that? He’s still figuring that shit out, but he likes being your Daddy.”

“Destin!” I couldn’t decide how to respond to his accurate but ridiculous explanation.

They both giggled again, but Morgan nodded and finally responded with words. “If he’s okay with it? I don’t need…well, I’m good without…”

Destin sighed. “Oh god, both of you do it. Okay, I pronounce you Daddy and boy, but no one expects sex and you’ll handle that shit on your own. Now let’s watch cartoons and then we’ll play trains while your Daddy makes us a dessert.”

Morgan’s excited grin said that worked just fine for him, so I pushed everything else to the back of my mind and started thinking about food and our schedule. Evidently I was a Daddy, so I needed to make sure I took good care of my boy.

Hmm, my boy…maybe that didn’t sound as strange as I thought it would.

Chapter 12


He was taking being my Daddy surprisingly well…too well, maybe?

As we watched Toy Story, then played with my trains while Leon made cookies, I kept expecting the topic of his newly realized Daddy role to come up again.

But it didn’t.

Destin seemed to think the idea was settled and he was content playing and generally being excited about everything. He had more energy than anyone else I knew. But Leon was another story altogether. At least, I thought he was.

I got a few glances from him as the afternoon wore on but nothing that seemed too worrying or out of the ordinary. It was just enough to make me curious about what he was thinking but not

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