Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,89

I’m not nearly as brave…

Deciding not to focus on that point just right this moment, Sydney began pulling out the ingredients for their pizzas when there was a knock on the door.

Figuring it was one of her friends coming to check on Haley, she quickly wiped her hands and went to the door.

“Mom! Dad! What are you doing here?” She was immediately embraced as her parents walked through the door with way too much luggage.

“We took the first flight out this morning,” her mother explained. “There was no way I was going to rest easy until I saw for myself that Haley was okay.” Then she turned and studied Sydney. “Oh, sweetie. You’re looking a little worse for the wear yourself. Good thing I’m here to help.”

“Mom, you really didn’t need to do this.”

“Nonsense!” her father chimed in. “And I brought us lunch! We stopped at the deli on our way in and then at Henderson’s for some brownies. We know how much you and Haley love them.”

“We do, but…I was just about to make some pizzas. Haley requested them and…”

“She can have them anytime,” her mother said as she walked around the kitchen putting all the ingredients Sydney had just taken out away. “And look at how gorgeous this all turned out! My goodness, I barely recognize the place! Kyle does amazing work!”

“Um, yeah…”

“You sent all the pictures to us, but they didn’t do the place justice! Too bad we can’t take Kyle home with us and let him work some of this magic on our place, right, Dan?”

“Uh-huh,” he replied, walking around. “The front stairs and deck alone show real craftsmanship!”

“Where’s Haley? I thought she’d be out here by now.”

“She’s in the shower, Mom. She’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Oh, well…come on! Give us a tour of everything! I’d love to see what he did with the downstairs. Haley claims her hangout room is the best in the house!”

For the next fifteen minutes, Sydney took them from room to room talking about all the work Kyle had done—even though she’d sent pictures and told them all about it as the work was being done, but…it seemed to make them happy.

Meanwhile, it exhausted her.

By the time Haley joined them in the kitchen, Sydney was more than ready for a nap. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen.

They all sat and had lunch together and it did her heart good to see the old Haley—the smiling and happy one—back. She relayed all the details of what she’d done and then bragged incessantly about Kyle.

“I think I’m going to go take a shower,” Sydney said after the third retelling of Kyle’s rescue.

“Good idea, sweetie. I’ll get everything cleaned up so you don’t have to worry.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

The shower felt glorious and she was ready to just live there when the water started to cool. As disappointing as it was, she managed to drag herself out and put on clean clothes. Once her hair was dry—and considering a nap was off the table—she even put on a little makeup. And while she still heard a ton of conversation going on in the kitchen, Sydney took a few extra minutes to straighten up her room and change the sheets because she had a feeling her parents were going to want to sleep in her bed rather than the smaller one in the guest room.

She gazed at it longingly once it was made and hoped it wasn’t going to be an extended visit. It was the most comfortable bed she’d ever owned and the thought of giving it up for even a few nights was a little depressing.

Out in the kitchen, everyone was laughing, and when her mother spotted her, she smiled. “There, now! Isn’t that better? You have some color back in your cheeks, too!” She walked over and hugged Sydney.

“Thanks, Mom,” she said for what felt like the tenth time in the last hour.

“Listen, after hearing Haley’s account of what happened, we have to do something for Kyle.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary. He said…”

“Yes, yes, Haley told us all about it, but…it’s not right, Sydney. His family boat is ruined and he risked his life for our Haley.”

“I’m aware…”

“So for starters, you’re going to go back over there right now with these.” She thrust a box from Henderson’s into Sydney’s hands. “Your father ran back over to Henderson’s while you were in the shower and picked up a few things.”

“I don’t think Kyle needs cake, Mom…”

“Nonsense. Everyone needs cake. Take this over and Copyright 2016 - 2024