Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,90

then invite him for dinner tomorrow night. We’ll take him out someplace nice—maybe to the country club. Oh, how I miss their seafood salad!” she said wistfully. “We’ll have to go there for lunch one day, too, so I can have that.”

“Mom, I don’t think inviting Kyle to dinner is a good idea. You see, things are a little…”

“Again, Haley told us. That’s why you need to go over there, Sydney. It seems to me like the two of you need to talk—alone. It would have been awkward to have a conversation with your niece right there. So go. Take the cake and cookies over and try to work things out.”

“Mom, I’m exhausted. I barely slept last night and…”

“Your father and I have everything under control here, so just maybe…pack an overnight bag and then you won’t have to worry about driving when you’re sleepy.”

“Oh my God. I am not having this conversation with you!” she cried, completely embarrassed. “Besides, I am not going to…to sleep at Kyle’s, Mom! I need to be here for Haley!”

Walking over to her, her mother gently grasped Sydney’s arms. “You listen to me. You and Haley have had a traumatic experience this week. And you both need a little time to step back and relax. I plan on taking good care of my granddaughter and I think it would do you a world of good to go and try to work things out with Kyle. And if things don’t go as planned, I’ll be here for you too.”

“Fine. I’ll go. But I’m not packing a bag.”

“Haley already packed one for you while you were in the shower. It’s in the car,” her mother said, giving her a gentle nudge toward the door.


“Oh, hush. Your sandals are next to the door so you can just slip them on and go.”

“I don’t like being forced out of my own house, you know,” she argued, but there was a part of her that was slightly giddy at the thought of getting to talk to Kyle alone. So with a dramatic sigh for everyone’s benefit, she grabbed her purse and the bakery box before slipping on her sandals. “There are clean sheets on my bed for you and Dad so I guess I’ll either see you in a little while or tomorrow.”

“Try hard for tomorrow, dear. Bye!”

The door shutting nearly knocked her over, but she recovered quickly.

There wasn’t time for her to stop and think about all the ways this could backfire on her. The fact was that she did want to see Kyle, but if her parents hadn’t shown up to take care of Haley, she had no idea when she ever would have made the time to do it.

So with a steadying breath, she pulled out of the driveway and prayed she wasn’t too late to win Kyle back.

Kyle was done napping and had even taken a shower. Now he wanted something to eat that wasn’t a pastry. After Haley and Sydney left earlier, he had eaten another cinnamon roll and was in desperate need of some kind of protein.

So he ordered a pizza.

Wandering around the house while he waited for the delivery, he knew he was going to go crazy for the next week without working. The doctors told him he couldn’t go to work and Jake told him to take the week as well. It was only the first day and he was already bored out of his mind.

When he heard the knock at the door a few minutes later, he was mildly confused. There was no way the pizza could be here that fast, but then figured it was one of his siblings coming to check on him.

Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Sydney on his porch for the second time that day.

“Hey,” she said nervously and held out the pink bakery box to him. “Is now a good time?”

His mind raced with snarky comebacks, but he held his tongue.

“Yeah, sure. Come on in.” He looked beyond her for signs of Haley. “You alone?”

“Uh, yes. Yes, I am.”

“Who’s with Haley?” he asked, shutting the door.

“My parents showed up after we got home earlier. They wanted some time to just love on her and then they pretty much pushed me out the door to come here and see you.”


So she was only here because someone made her do it.


She was still holding the box, so he took it from her and put it on the table next to the one Violet Copyright 2016 - 2024