Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,67

can’t just pick up and go whenever I want, and he can’t just come and spend the night.” She paused. “And to tell you the truth, I really wish he could. We talk on the phone every night before I go to bed, but…”

“Yeah, that’s not really the same. I get it.”

“I can’t believe the shitty timing. Again.”

“It’s not going to be like this forever, Syd. And it seems to me like things are going well between the two of you—you and Kyle, I mean.”

“But how long is he supposed to wait, Mia? When we dated all those years ago, he totally wasn’t interested in waiting around for me. I don’t know if I can handle him walking away again because I’ve got this commitment to Haley now.”

“If he loves you, he’s going to wait.”

“He didn’t the last time.”

“He was nineteen and boys are notoriously stupid at that age. You can’t compare the two situations. You’re there and he’s seeing all you’re handling. He’s even helping you when he can. That boat trip you told me about? I thought it was precious the way he handled Haley.”

And while Sydney knew it was, she hated being in this holding pattern—which is what she told Mia.

“I just wish we could move forward, you know? I want so badly for our lives to fall into place and for everything to stop being so damn hard. Unfortunately, I have no idea when that’s going to happen. Things are hard for Haley.”

“Well of course they are! Her entire world was turned upside down,” Mia said. “But so was yours. What you have to firmly come to grips with, my impatient friend, is that you’re both going to heal at different paces. All you can do is love her and support her and be there for her. Eventually, it won’t be so much work. You just have to get through this rough patch first.”

She nodded. “If I survive it.”

“You will. You’re an incredibly strong woman.”

“Thanks, Mia.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

Behind her, Sydney heard a sound and turned to see Haley standing in the doorway.

“Hey, kiddo. I’m thinking Chinese takeout for dinner. You in?”

All Haley did was nod and turn away.

Sighing wearily, Sydney mentally counted to ten. “I need to go. I’m not sure if she’s annoyed with me or just being a preteen.”

“It’s all going to be okay.”

“From your lips to God’s ears…”

“Oh, and wish Haley luck for me with her meet this weekend! I can’t wait to hear all about it!”

“Thanks, Mia. I’ll talk to you soon.”

And as she slid off the chair, Sydney hoped that Haley’s mood could be cured by Chinese food and ice cream.


On Saturday, Hunter, Violet, and Eli surprised them by showing up to cheer Haley on at her meet. She saw them in the crowd and waved excitedly, and Kyle had a feeling she worked a little harder because Violet was there.

Either way, the kid did great, and it was a fun afternoon.

Now, they were back at Hunter and Violet’s place waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. Sydney and Violet were in the living room while Kyle and his brother were out in the yard watching Eli show off his own gymnastics skills to Haley. Taking the beer Hunter handed him, Kyle thanked him.

“I’m getting married.”

“No shit. I’ve seen the ring. Plus, I was at your engagement party.”

Without warning, Hunter slapped him upside the head. “That’s not what I meant, dumbass. I mean we’re getting married soon. Like two weeks soon.”

“What? Are you crazy? What’s the rush? I thought you guys had planned on next spring.” And that’s when he saw the dopey grin on his brother’s face and groaned. “For the love of it, Hunter. Can you seriously not wait until after you’re married to knock someone up?”

“Hey!” he snapped. “Watch your damn mouth.”

“Seriously? I’m supposed to watch my mouth, but you...” Shaking his head, he realized he wasn’t quite so sure why he was reacting like this. He loved Violet—the whole family did. And it wasn’t like they weren’t already planning on getting married so…

Smacking Hunter in the arm, Kyle grinned.

“What? What’s that look for?”

“I’m sorry I’m such a jerk. I’m really happy for you guys.” And he meant it.

“Really? Because your initial reaction…”

“Was me being stupid,” he admitted. “I never should have made any comparisons. What you and Violet have is amazing, and I’m psyched to be an uncle again. And...maybe a best man?”

Chuckling, Hunter raked a hand through his hair. “Of course.” And Copyright 2016 - 2024