Last Beautiful Girl (Magnolia Sound #6) - Samantha Chase Page 0,66

non-stop. What’s going on?” Opting to go and sit out on the deck, Sydney slid her sandals off and went outside.

“I don’t want to bother you with my nonsense. I was calling to check on you and see how you’re doing.”

“Please, I’m begging you to bother me!” she replied with a small laugh. “I could seriously use the distraction.”

“Uh-oh. Come on, Syd. Talk to me.”

“No way. You first.”

Mia sighed loudly. “Fine, but as soon as I’m done, you have to promise to tell me what’s up with you—the good and the bad.”

“Deal.” Kicking her feet up on the bistro chair beside her, Sydney took a long sip of her water and settled in to hear what was going on with Mia.

“I have writer’s block,” she blurted out.


“You know me, Syd. I never get that. There are always characters talking to me in my head, and right now, no one’s talking to me! And no matter what I do, they won’t!”

“Mia, you know this sort of thing is normal. I know it’s not for you, but you know almost every author ever has struggled with this from time to time.”

“I guess…”

“And on top of that, you’re ahead of schedule. You don’t even need to be starting this book for another month, so why don’t you cut yourself a little slack and take some time for yourself?”

With a small groan, she replied, “I wish. I may not have to write, but there’s so much going on with the movie. The screenplay is almost done and we’re getting ready to start casting. So even if I wanted to get away and go to a spa or something, there’s just no way for it to happen.”

“So if you know you’re so busy, why are you beating yourself up over the writer’s block? It seems to me all the other projects are taking up most of your creativity. Get through one thing at a time. And while you’re waiting for the screenplay, maybe just go to a day spa. Then, after you read the screenplay, celebrate by doing something else that you love.” She paused. “Ooh! Maybe now would be a good time to do the renovations on the house that you’ve wanted to do! The new kitchen, the new master bathroom…it would be a really great distraction!”

“Hmm…I hadn’t even considered that. Maybe I can make some calls and start getting estimates.”

“There you go!”

“See? This is why I called you! You always help me, Syd.”

“Well, we’ve known each other a long time and I’m glad I could help.”

“Okay, your turn.”

“Are you sure we’re done talking about you?” she asked with a nervous laugh. “That seemed like a really short conversation.”


“Maybe we should talk about the plot of the new book! You know, maybe that will jog something and motivate you to get started.”

“Stop procrastinating. Out with it!” Mia demanded lightly.

“Fine,” she huffed. “I’m overwhelmed.”

“With what specifically? Is it the job? Oh my God, it’s the job, isn’t it? I threw too much at you at once. I can’t believe I did that. We can totally put off some things if that will help.”

“Mia, stop! It’s not the job, it’s…everything.” She let out a long breath. “I feel like we are drowning a little here. I mean, the house is done, and Haley and I have settled into a routine, but…I don’t know if the therapy is helping.”

“Wow, okay. How come?”

“I feel like it’s keeping us in this dark, emotional place. Like…how can we move on if twice a week we are forced to sit and talk about how upset we are that Tracy and Daren are gone? Shouldn’t we be working on moving forward?”

“So maybe this therapist isn’t the right fit,” Mia reasoned. “That’s a very common thing.”

“You think?”

“I do. However…”


“I know you don’t like sitting still or focusing on the negative for too long. That’s just not who you are. You have to realize that this is something huge and maybe it does require you to sit and be uncomfortable for a little while so that you can move forward.”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” She sighed again. “I feel like I am so drained all the time. Emotionally and physically. And I don’t even have the energy to do anything outside of the house. I haven’t seen Kyle much and I think that’s getting to me too. I miss him.”

“Has he been pressuring you about it?”

“No. He totally understands that we’re not just dealing with the two of us. I have Haley to consider. I Copyright 2016 - 2024