Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,7

find out anyway. Her mind is strong. Maybe not as strong as it used to be, but still keen and wise.

“I got angry.”


Ginger just says my name, softly, but I knew what she wasn’t saying. I swallow hard.

“I won’t apologize for it.”

“I don’t care. Fix it.”

She hangs up. I hang up the phone and stare at it for a while again. I walk into the fields on a path only I know about. I tear off my shirt, unbuckle my harness and take off. I need to fly.



“What’s the matter with you, Ash?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yeah, you do. I’ve never seen you brood for this long. It

usually only lasts two days.”

I glare at Obsidian, but he just shoots his killer smile at me.

“Shut up, Ob.”

Obsidian just chuckles. He usually gets mad at that


“Someone’s grouchy. Could it have to do with you

disappearing below to the banished people?”

“How did you find out?!?!”

“So it is true?”

I turn. Pepper asked the question.

“Of course it’s true.”

Obsidian and Raven say it at the same time. Twins. They look at each other and start laughing. That can be really

annoying sometimes.

“Why were you down there, Ash?”

I shrug.

“I was just curious Ive (Ivory hates her nickname too),

just curious.”

“Who was he?”


“The guy you met down there.”

Sometimes I think Ivory is psychic. It’s a little scary. I just stare at her.

“Ooh there was a boy?”

Persimmon simpers sickeningly at me. Leave it to her to have nasty thoughts. If it weren’t for Sangria, I really wouldn’t hang out with her. I turn back to Ivory.

“How did you know?”

“Because if it was a girl, you would have laughed in her face if she said anything. But obviously, whoever you met was a guy. What did he say to ruffle your feathers?”

I can’t help but sigh. I love her, but I would appreciate if I didn’t have to answer twenty questions today.

“Well…he just said really stupid stuff. Called me Princess.”

Even now, my feathers ruffled in distaste.

“And made it seem like I was just another silly SkyBound girl who didn’t worry about anything. Like I was full of air.”

Just thinking about it makes me want to spread my wings and fly. My cure for everything. My friends looked at each other. Ivory spoke first, with the rest following, words tumbling out of their mouths like dominoes.

“What did you say?”

“What did he look like?”

“Was he fat?”

“Did you hit him with your wings?”

“Did you get in trouble?”

“Are you going back?”’

“Is he single?”

And Raven and Obsidian together.

“We should go all go back.”

“Slow down! Jeez! Why do you guys even care?!”

They all just sat and looked at me and I knew I would have to answer them.

“As soon as he saw me, he started laying into me asking me what I was doing there. He ordered me to go back where I came from. I wasn’t having that so I made this really insulting and stupid comment about his family not wanting him. I know, I know, it wasn’t right but I was upset. He retaliated with this self-righteous speech about me not ever having to worry about anything besides my hair frizzing. He looked…feral, I thought he would hurt me, he looked so angry. No he’s not fat. No, I did not hit him with my wings. No, I didn’t get in trouble, or would I be sitting here?”

I hesitate.

“Yes, I’m going back. Why would I know if he’s single? And why do you care Persimmon? You’re dating Sangria!”

She gave him a guilty look.

“And Ob, Rave, what’s with the “we”?”


“Of course we’re going with you!”

“This is an adventure!”

“It’s serious guys. They don’t even like us down there. It’s dangerous. If a bunch of us show up down there, together, we would definitely get caught - an adventure? Really? This isn’t a TV show – if Sky Patrol catches us, they would strip our wings.”

“So, why’d you go?”

Finally, the all important question, even if I didn’t want to answer. Guess ignoring it didn’t really work. She had asked before and I gave her the same answer I’d already given her. Of course, it was Ivory who asked it.

“I went because…because I was curious. Because I don’t think that it’s fair that some people have wings and others don’t. I saw people down there who were thin enough to have wings…and yet they didn’t. I saw a young girl without wings. And I mean young, about six years old. I know this will sound unbelievable, but I don’t think she was born with them. I think Copyright 2016 - 2024