Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,6

when I’m ready."

"Allright, stay where you’re not wanted SkyBound, I’ll go. But you should know that your kind is hated down here. When the LandBound are done with you, I’ll make myself and family some new pillows - with the down of your feathers."

Okay, I thought the evil laugh was something they made up in the movies but that sound coming out of this boy’s mouth – that’s definitely the evil laugh.

“What family you have must be ashamed to have a boy,” I spit the word out at him, “like you be a part of it.”

Okay, maybe that was a little harsh, he looks like he’s just been slapped but I’m not going to stand here and let him talk to me like that. On the other hand, maybe we just started off on the wrong wing. I start to feel sorry for him, but then that disdainful look comes back into his eyes…

“They would be more ashamed of you then me. Look at you, pampered, snotty, and proud when you shouldn’t be. Have you done anything in your life Princess, anything, that you can be proud of? I doubt it. You’ve probably never been in danger, or worried about anything but whether or not your hair or feathers would frizz in the morning. You say I don’t know you but you’re wrong. I know all about you and your kind. I know that you rely on us to pick your food but then turn around and look down on us. I know that you leave us just enough to survive but not enough to thrive. I probably know more about you and your kind than you do. The truth is you like the way you live so much you’d rather close your eyes and fly, free…and untethered. You disgust me.”

I disgust him? That’s it, I’m going to show him how we

SkyBound handle people like him. I drop the coat and snap my wings out displaying their full wingspan …is that the evil laugh again?

"Those won't help you down here, Princess. Why don’t you use them to go back to where you came from."

Who is this boy? How can he just walk up to me and talk to me like that? Is that how everyone is down here? What the H E double hockey sticks? Is he really just going to walk away from me, all cocky? He has no right to say the things he said to me. I’ve never done anything to him and whatever happened between the LandBound and SkyBound happened years ago. The more I think about it, the angrier it makes me. They hate me because I have wings!? I don’t hate them because they don’t have wings so what’s the problem? I’m going home. I don’t know if it was a good idea to come here. It’s nothing like I expected.


I turn around and walk away. I can feel her staring at my

retreating back - her thoughts a roiling mass of anger and hurt. It’s more intense that I expected. She’s taller than I expected. When I walked into the field, I didn’t know it would be her. Yes, I’d sensed something, a disturbance I’d been warned only I would feel. I knew it was the powerful SkyBound Ginger told me about. And it was. What Ginger didn’t tell me was that she is just a little girl. Even though I couldn’t see her wings, I knew it was her. Our savior and the only daughter of the cruelest woman alive. She didn’t look like her. It was a good thing, because my animosity would be too much to disguise. What a joke. She’s clueless, coming to watch LandBound like we are pets. I can’t stall any longer. I’m calling Ginger. Ginger has a lot to explain. I know Ginger has never been completely honest with me but that’s going to have to change. Even so, I still don’t want to make the phone call. Ginger makes me nervous. I wonder if I stare at the phone long enough, I can make it explode in my hand, taking the responsibility I have to call her with it. Didn’t work. I don’t really have a choice but to dial the number and wait. Ginger, always orderly and precise picks up on the fifth ring.


“Mocha. How did it go?”

How did she know? I don’t want to tell her that I’d lost control. That’s not who I am anymore. There’s no point in lying though, she would Copyright 2016 - 2024