Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,36

she was expected my call. I wonder what that’s about.

“Can you come to Northwest and Cloudview tomorrow


“I’m sorry, but I’m in a little bit of a hurry. Is there any way I could talk to your boss?”

“I’m sorry, no one-”

“Listen, I already know who she is. Can you just put her on the phone, and tell her its me.”

“I’m sorry, but I cannot without knowing more.”

“I have information on her daughter’s whereabouts.”

“Can you verify that information?”

“Not until you put her on the phone. Look, just tell her I’m on the phone.”

“Ok, sir, but I’ll have to put you on hold.”

“That’s fine.”

I hold the phone away from my ears and wait for Ash’s mom to come on the phone. Ivory looks around.

“Ob, where is Ash’s dad in all this?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, isn’t he concerned? How come he hasn’t said

anything about this? I saw him at the Sky Market yesterday, and he said hey. He didn’t look upset or anything.”

“I don’t know. But you know how he is, Ive. Always in

dreamland, leaving Ash to her mother.”

“You talk about Ash’s mom with such distaste, yet you’re

calling to work with her.”

“Only to find Ash and Raven. You know that.”

“Yes I do, and I think that’s why you’re doing it…right now at least.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t lose sight of your goal.”

“Listen, I know what Ash’s mother is like.”

“Do you? Do you really? How? Because of what Ash has told you?”

“Why are you so skeptical all of a sudden?”

“Because it seems like Ash and Raven are the tip of the

iceberg. Both of them disappearing around the same time can’t be coincidence.”

“I know! And that’s why I’m trying to help! Why can’t you see that Ivory?”

The woman came back on the phone.

“Mr. Drave?”


“ Cocoa will speak with you now.”

“Thank you.”

Ash’s mom came on.

“I’m glad you called Obsidian. Ash always spoke highly of you.”

I can’t help but feel warm at her words. Even though, I know she may be lying to me, manipulating me, I want to believe that Ash talked about me. I ignore all doubt and let myself feel the pleasure.

“Why did you ask Pepper to give me the card?”

“Because you’re the only one who can save Ash. I’ve learned that Ash has joined a group of rebel LandBound and is helping them in their efforts to drive a wedge between our peoples. They want nothing less than a total collapse.”

“Why would Ash do that?”

“You know Ash, probably even better than I do. She’s

always wanted to believe there’s some injustice she has to fight. She wants to feel special, significant, like she’s a part of something. Because of that, she is easily manipulated.”

“So she wasn’t forced, like Pepper said before. You lied.”

“I thought it was the best way to get you to come. I’m worried about Ash. She doesn’t understand the consequences of her actions. If Sky Patrol finds her with the rebels, LandBound, even I wouldn’t be able to save her.”

I feel a seething anger. I feel like Ash’s mom is the one

manipulating me.

“And my sister?”

“What about her?”

“Where is she?”

“What do you mean, “where is she”? Is she missing?”

“Did you take her? Did you think it was the best way to get me to believe your story about Ash?”

There is silence on the other end of the phone, and Ash’s mother begins to talk in a quiet, hard voice.

“Obsidian. I understand you are young, and the young so

easily give in to foolish notions. You would do well to not speak to me in that manner ever again. We do not have Raven. We are not that kind of organization. Our mission has always been to promote peace in our world. If you want to place blame, place it with the rebels.”

“Why would they take my sister?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your parents? Maybe

Raven’s with them.”

Her voice has a nasty edge to it. I don’t know how she knows but I’m too scared to ask.

“What do you have to tell me besides Ash left voluntarily?”

“That she is going to be at a gala on Friday night. I want you to go and bring her home.”

“Why is she going to be at this gala?”

“I told you, she is helping the rebels.”

“Do the rebels include…him?”

“Yes, his name is Mocha. You can’t go around calling

Mocha, him.”

My thoughts roil with anger, but I contain myself and focus.

“How am I supposed to bring her home?”

“Tell her that you loved her performance and want to talk

privately. Use whatever method is necessary to convince her to come home. Even Copyright 2016 - 2024