Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,35

not exactly subtle.”

“Neither are your thoughts.”

I mutter, but he hears me and laughs.

We’re getting closer to the building, so I drop his hand.

“You’re that mad?”

There’s still a laugh in his voice.

“No, but we’re getting near the building. I don’t want anyone to see. We’re supposed to be professionals.”

He stops. I turn around and look at his face. He’s laughing again.

“Stop thinking so loud, Mocha! Does anyone in there have the ability too?”


He chuckles.

“And you say I’m not subtle.”

He shrugs and takes my hand again. I don’t protest this time, because he might get ideas again. We walk in late, and everyone is already seated. Their eyes go straight to our linked hands and many give each other knowing looks. I’m so embarrassed, I broadcast as loud as possible You’re dead and I think he got it because he squeezes my hand and I hear something along the lines of If you’re the one kill me…I can’t help it, my response is almost instinctual. I love you. I don’t get any words back this time, but feel an emotional tidal wave that seem to whisper I love you over and over as it crashes against the docks of my mind. It is a soothing wave that washes away the dirt and makes the beach coasts sparkling clean. We sit down. Ginger stands up and begins talking.

“Now that everyone has arrived and gotten

themselves…settled…we will begin. First things first.”

She turns to Jet.

“Jet, did you get the information you discussed last week from your source?”

“No, I didn’t, but I did find out…”

While Jet is talking, I look around the room. And see a

window right where Mocha had stopped and kissed me. It’s clear in here, but tinted so I hadn’t seen it outside. You knew that window was there! I know I’m yelling because he winces, but I am irritated. I had just done the mind equivalent of shouting into a microphone. There was no way Mocha hadn’t gotten that. He looks at me. Ouch…wow, calm down Princess. But I hear laughter. Yes, he had known the window was there. Ginger interrupts our thoughts.

“As you two have probably already figured out,” - Why do I feel so guilty? - “When you are together, your ability to communicate grows stronger. I assume you told her Mocha?”

There is nothing in her voice, no inflection, but she seems

disappointed. Mocha is definitely irritated and doesn’t bother to hide it.

“No, Ginger, I didn’t. She guessed from the meeting

yesterday the direction that VWP has been in the business of enhancing mental abilities through tortured children. She’s never forgotten her own experience. It’s not hard to put two and two together to realize she was one of the experiments and that’s why she can sense things. I didn’t give anything away.”

Ginger’s reaction surprised me. I had expected disbelief, or censure. Instead, she smiles at me as if Mocha told her I had just taken my first flight.

“I’m impressed, Ash! You are smarter then we thought you were!”

These words don’t exactly comfort me. Did they think I was stupid?

No, Ash. It’s just that no one, well me, I didn’t figure it out so quickly. And the only other successful experiment died. You’re kind of like a final hope.

I hadn’t realized it, but Mocha and I had been sitting in

silence for a few minutes just looking at each other. More time had passed then the amount of thoughts seemed to warrant. I’m vaguely aware that Ginger asked me a question but I didn’t hear her.

“Sorry, Ginger. Can you repeat the question?”

“No it’s alright, Ashlynn, it’s fascinating how the two of you can block everything out. But I do want your answer, Ash. I asked if you would be singing at the gala?”

“Of course I will.”

“She was born to.”

I look at Mocha in surprise. He’s looking at me with so much love in those beautiful eyes, it makes me want to cry.

Chapter 22: FORCE


“I will call myself. Because I can’t believe that all I can do is sit here while my sister is missing.”

Ivory looked at me, as is trying to see some hidden motive. I let her look; there was none. Finally she nods.

“Okay, then. Make the call.”

For the third time, I call the VWP. I hear the same recorded message and I press one.


“Who is this?”

What kind of greeting is that? Do these people get paid to answer the phone like that?

“Obsidian Drave. I was given this card by someone named Pepper Freeman.”

“Oh. Yes. Thank you for calling Obsidian.”

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