Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,25

I look forward at the teacher, but I can’t focus. My mind is too full of a warrior princess.

“Ob, you have to tell us what’s wrong.”

“Yeah, we can’t take your sulking anymore.”

“Oh shut up guys, he’s just in a tiff because Ash left.”

Ivory rolls her eyes and looks at me. How doe she know?


Her big brown eyes look innocently at me.

“You’re so obvious Obsidian. Everyone knows.”

“Everyone knows what?”

Persimmon squeaks up. I ignore everyone and try to

concentrate on the food. It’s pretty good today, mashed

potatoes, mac and cheese, and crème brûlée. The one thing I like about Volar High is the food.

“That Ob likes Ash. Boy, you’re so dim Pers.”

This from Sangria. I look up in surprise. I guess my temper is not the only one that’s short. Persimmon’s lip glossed mouth falls open and she looks hurt. She harrumphs and doesn’t look at Sangria anymore. Bramble looks surprised too.

“I didn’t know.”

“Bramble, you’re slow on the uptake. Anyway everyone knows, you’re half in love with Ash yourself.”

Really? I can’t help but feel my jealously boiling over, and I feel like fighting Bramble. I shake myself. This is Bramble we’re talking about and he’s half in love with everyone.

“You guys are crazy. She’s my friend. I’m worried, that’s all.”

I realize that Raven hasn’t said anything, and I’m getting the scratchy feeling. What…the... Why…not…tell…me? Why hide it from me? Her thoughts are coming at me strong – she’s pretty mad. I get it. When you’re a twin, keeping secrets is the taboo of taboos. Sorry. I know she gets it when she shakes her head. She gets up and stalks away again. I sigh.

“Yeah, right Obsidian.”

It’s Pepper who talks. She smirks, because she already knew. Pepper never calls me Ob. She’s the only one who doesn’t. She says it’s undignified and doesn’t suit me.

“You know what Ob is short for? Object. And that, you are not.”

Pepper says stuff like that all the time.

“You, worried?”

I glare at her.

“Yeah, it might surprise to you, but I do worry about my friends.”

She says nothing, just smirks. Everyone is silent. I know they don’t believe me, but who cares? They all look at each other, except for Pepper and Persimmon.

“Do you guys know something I don’t? Have you heard from Ash?”

I’m trying to be casual but even I can hear the longing in my voice. I can’t believe no one noticed before.

“Yeah. She uh…left Ivory a note.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“No…in her note she said not to. It didn’t make sense but we talked about it and decided to tell you anyway…”

What could she not have wanted me to hear? Why would Ivory and the others hide it from me?

“Where’s the note?”

“Ob…maybe you shouldn’t read it.”

“Just give it to me.”

Ivory reaches into her book bag and takes out a note written on cream paper. It’s folded in two and says on the front To Ivory. That’s weird, it’s not her handwriting. I open it and it says, in her handwriting now, Isn’t his handwriting beautiful? If ears could steam and turn red, mine would right now. I asked him to write the outside because his handwriting is so pretty and I thought you’d appreciate it. I ran off with Mocha, Ive. I’m leaving you a note because I don’t want you to worry. Tell the others I’m alright. I wasn’t kidnapped; in fact, he tried to get me to leave, but I can’t. There’s so much I didn’t know, and so much I know now, but I can’t tell you. I’ll try to contact you again but if I don’t, please don’t worry or be mad. Oh, and Ive? I love you. :D


Your best bud Ash

P.S. I can’t explain why, but please don’t tell Obsidian.

I slowly hand the letter back to Ivory. I’m furious. With Ash, whoever this Mocha dude is, myself… I…I can’t believe she would leave…with him.

“When did you get this?”

My voice is super quiet, as it always is when I’m mad.

“A week ago. Suck it up Obsidian, and just be happy she’s happy. You’ll find someone else.”

Ivory’s words grate on my ears. I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to move on, I want to find a wall and punch it. I want to leap off a cliff and not open my wings until it’s too late. I want to cry, but crying is weak. And I’m not weak. I jump up from the table with cries of “Ob!” and “Obsidian!” following me, but ignore them. I rush out of the school doors Copyright 2016 - 2024