Landed Wings - By Skylhur Tranqille Page 0,24

demons are your demons. They were never mine, and never will be. I thought I taught you that. People are depending on you, lives are at stake. If you always need someone else to defeat them, how could you ever be strong enough to be alone?”

Again, there is silence. I am not regretful. It needed to be said.

“I understand.”

I nod in satisfaction at the tone of his voice. I can hear his

resolve. The vulnerable boy is gone, and the Mocha I rely on to get things done is back.

“Goodnight – Ginger.”

He hangs up and I stare at the phone. The bitterness had come back, in full force. I put the phone back on its hook and give another memory to my pillow.

Chapter 13: OBSIDIAN


“Yo, Ob, where’ve you been?”

“Why do you care Raven?”

I know I’m snarling at her but I can’t help myself.

“Bro, what is up with you? You’ve been in a funk ever since Ash skipped town.”

“She didn’t “skip town”.”

“Then what has you so angry?”

“Nothing, all right? Just leave me alone, I need to think.”

“About what?”

“Rave, just go away!”

“Fine! Go sulk by yourself.”

She stalks off down the hallway, leaving me by my locker. We usually go to class together, but today, I want to be alone. I knew Raven won’t let it go. She is my twin after all, and I wouldn’t have let it go either. And she’s right. I am in a funk. I finally get the nerve to talk to Ash and she skips town? Didn’t tell anyone goodbye, including her own mother? Where is she? I’m worried about her, but pissed too. She didn’t even answer me. Beautiful Ash. She walks around, restless and angry, and can’t see the face everyone else sees in the mirror. She looks like a warrior princess - long dark hair, black wings, thin, with just the right curves. I’ve loved her since grade school. It’s pathetic and sad, and the fact that it took me this long to say anything makes it worse. But she always seemed like she was above the rest of us, her and her righteous anger. And then she starts flying to the LandBound because she’s “bored”. Because we’re not good enough for her. Because I’m not good enough for her. What did I have to say or do, Ash, to make you stay? We couldn’t satisfy her impatience with life, so she turns to someone else. To some LandBound. I’ve always been good to Ash, always. And this guy sounds like trouble. The last time I talked to her, she was distracted and I could tell she was thinking about him. She was in a daze for days; even Ivory couldn’t get anything out of her. And then she leaves. I bet she’s with him. I bet that she ran off with a guy she barely knows and left the rest of her “friends” in the dust. I can’t believe I’m jealous of a faceless stranger but I can’t help it. I can feel it growing each day I don’t see her in the hallway, or in class. No one knows about my crush except for Pepper. Pepper doesn’t like her though. She’s always telling me to move on. I thought about asking Pepper out once. She’s pretty, with red hair and blue eyes, freckles, and red wings. And…Pepper is my friend, but even I have to admit something’s wrong with her, she’s so…cold. Everyone is pale compared to Ash. Raven doesn’t know how strong my feelings are for Ash, but she will soon. I move away from my locker, and go to class, already five minutes late.

“Obsidian Drave?”


Luckily, I slide in just as the teacher is reading my name off of roll call.

“Raven Drave?”


My twin looks over glares, and looks away. Great. I’ll have to answer to her now. It’ll take at least a month of groveling to get her to talk to me. Okay, maybe not a whole month, but Raven’s hard. Who am I kidding, so am I. I try to send her a thought, because sometimes she knows what I’m thinking. Raven, I’m sorry. I’ll explain to you later all right? She doesn’t move. I try again thinking harder this time. She jumps in her seat a little and turns around and stares at me. I think at her again, and this time she nods. She says that when I do that, it feels like something’s prodding her in the back of the head. For me, it’s as if she scratching. Copyright 2016 - 2024