Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,122

At his touch, she came undone. She arched into him and held on for dear life. Wave after wave of sensation rolled through her, buckled her knees.

His hand stilled. “Jenny?”

Embarrassment flooded her. Just one touch. That’s all it had taken.

His hand was still. Wetness dampened her underwear, seeped into the seam of her shorts. She knew he could feel it. She buried her head in the crook of his shoulder. He must think—


She looked up at him feeling completely gauche and self-conscious.

“It’s only the first of many tonight, Cotton Tail.” And then with one kiss, he took all her fears away. He slid her shorts and underwear off, and soon she was naked beneath him. The weight of him felt so right on top of her. He reached to the nightstand, slipped a condom on, and then fitted himself between her thighs. He slid into her in one long, languid motion. She arched to meet him, found his rhythm, and matched it. As he slid in and out of her, pleasuring her in every way possible, he kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her nose, before settling his open mouth against hers in a kiss so full and deep, she knew she was about to lose it again. He quickened the pace, driving against her until they both climaxed. Jenny could have sworn she saw fireworks go off.

Jenny came awake slowly as if from a dream. She lay in the bed, wondering what had woken her, then became aware of the man beside her.

His breathing was slow and even. She knew he was asleep without even looking at him. Carefully, she eased away and got out of bed. She looked around for her clothes. She saw her bikini top but couldn’t find her shorts or underwear. She thought about going to her room and putting on her nightgown, but then she saw Jared’s T-shirt and slipped it on. The soft cotton fell to mid-thigh and engulfed her in his scent. She breathed in, and the memories of what she’d shared with him came flooding back.

She walked over to the window. A crescent moon hung high in the dark sky. Jenny leaned forward and rested her overheated cheek against the cool glass. Her breathing didn’t betray her inner turmoil. But her heart was another matter entirely.

She blew against the window until a small circle formed. In the haze she drew a heart with her fingertip and then the initial J +. Her hand paused. Always before it had been J + S, but now she left it blank.

She closed her eyes and let the rush of memories fill her. She waited for the flood of guilt, of regret, but none of those emotions came. Instead, her body ached in a way that was as foreign as it was familiar. Even now, with the distance between them, she could still feel Jared’s hands, his mouth, his body claiming her. Longing pooled in the pit of her stomach, spiraled down, and left her with a need that defied description.

Even with her eyes closed, she knew he was standing behind her.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, and their gazes met in the window’s reflection. His warm breath cascaded over her hair, down the back of her neck. Goose bumps raised her skin. She looked at the fading heart she had drawn, the J she had written. Knowing Jared was still watching her she reached out and retraced the heart, the letter J. And after the plus sign, she placed another letter. Another J.

Jared drew in a swift breath of air. “Jenny . . .”

Just her name and her body remembered every intimate caress, every wanton exploration. She moved away from the window, keeping her eyes on his and her body near him. They were so close, she could feel his heat. She wanted him. Him. A part of her would always love Steven, but her heart was open to love again. To love Jared.

With steady hands, she faced him and slipped the T-shirt over her head. She stood naked in front of him. Never before had she been so wantonly bold with a man, but before she could let her insecurities take hold, she leaned forward until their bodies fused. “I love you, Jared.”

“Jenny,” he said again and this time her name was a rough growl of a caress. His arms came around her, and his mouth settled in the soft hollow of her neck, kissing her. Her nipples hardened in response. He wrapped her in Copyright 2016 - 2024