Lake Magic - By Kimberly Fisk Page 0,121

turn. Gravel spewed underneath the car as they skidded to a stop.

“You’re going to get a ticket,” she said, sliding even farther into his lap.

“Ask me if I give a damn.” He wrenched his door open, and that’s when she realized they were already back at her place. It felt as if the drive had taken mere seconds.

The steering wheel rubbed against her side, and he lifted her out of the SUV. He slammed the door shut with the bottom of his boot. Still carrying her, he headed for the house. His usual long, smooth strides were missing, and Jenny grabbed on around his neck to keep herself steady. “I can walk.”

He leaned down and gave her a kiss as he continued to walk. Their noses bumped. “And take the chance of you getting away? Not on your life.” And he meant it. He kept her in his arms as he unlocked the door. He took the stairs two at a time, and she had a moment of trepidation as they neared her bedroom door. Where? His room or hers? Her first flutter of panic started then settled to a little tingle when he headed straight for his room. His door was slightly ajar, and he used his shoulder to open it and then bumped it closed. He laid her on the bed as if she were made of porcelain.

“God. You don’t know how many times I’ve envisioned you here, in my bed.”

Her stomach clenched at his words, and her breathing grew short and choppy. He knelt down beside her, cupped her cheeks in the palms of his hands, and drew her up until his hot, insisting mouth found hers. She arched into him, wanting more, wanting it all. This time when she went to slip his T-shirt over his head, he didn’t stop her. Speechless, she stared at him. He was perfect. Beautiful. And then she did exactly what she’d wanted to earlier. She ran her hands across his rounded shoulders, down his chest. He was hard and muscular and warm to her touch.

“Turnabout is fair play.” Before she knew it, Jared had her bikini top untied. He tossed it onto the floor. His blue eyes were all but liquid with desire as he took his time looking at her, like he’d been waiting for this moment forever, and now that it was here, he was going to savor every last drop. With the tip of his index finger, he drew a straight line from the hollow of her throat to her belly button. Her stomach contracted at the intimate caress, and all she could think was, More. Retracing his path, he dragged his finger back up and circled the outer fullness of her breast. She sucked in a breath of air, or she thought she did, but then she wasn’t sure, because she felt like all the oxygen had suddenly left the room. His warm palm settled on top of her breast, and she gasped. Desire turned her nipples hard and heated her blood until she thought she was going to burst into flames.

She couldn’t wait any longer. Her hands went to the top button of his Levi’s, and she struggled to work them free. In one deft move, he popped them open. His hard erection jutted out against his white briefs, and she ran a hand down the soft cotton and hard shaft. He groaned, and that groan made her more brazen than she’d ever been. She sat up and pushed him back. She tugged at his jeans, but their position made it all but impossible. She rocked up onto her knees, and he followed suit. Kneeling on the bed, she pressed her breasts against his chest and skimmed her hands down along the hard planes of his back, the indentation of his spine, and under his briefs. She tugged and pulled again, then tipped her head up to look into his eyes. Raw, undiluted desire darkened their blue depths, while a smile played around the corners of his mouth. “Help,” was all she had to say, and he slipped out of his pants.

He came back on the bed, completely naked and fully aroused. He knelt next to her again, and as he kissed her mouth, the side of her neck, the little hollow indentation at the base of her throat, he unsnapped her shorts but before he took them off, he slipped his hand into her panties and across the warm, slick skin between her thighs. Copyright 2016 - 2024