The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,99

felt lighter inside. He’d even talked to Oliver about the scar he carried and how it had happened.

“That is perfectly natural, my love. Your first performance is the most terrifying. After this it will be easier.”

“There will be no ‘after this’ madam.” He pulled her around in front of him and kissed her thoroughly. “This is a once-only performance, and only because it is Oliver’s birthday.”

She reached up to cup his face, her eyes smiling at him.

“Have I told you today that I love you?”

“No, and I had begun to wonder why.”

“I have been busy, but let me redress the matter right now. I love you, Daniel. So very much. Mainly because you can control my brothers. That is a huge benefit for me, as now I can leave the house without footmen, maids, and companions watching my every move.”

He had spoken strong words with her brothers. Acknowledged that he knew they loved her, but she was now his to protect, and he would be doing so without their support. They hadn’t liked it, and he wasn’t sure they’d ever fully grasp the concept, but he managed to keep them in hand where he could.

“So I have uses. That pleases me.” Daniel nuzzled the side of her neck.

“Many uses,” she sighed. “But we must now go next door and prepare for the concert.”

“I’m not sure why I let you talk me into this.”

“Because you love me.”

“There is that.” She took his hand and led him from the room and into the next, which was filled with people. The progeny of family and friends mostly, with a sibling or two thrown into the group.

“Are we ready?” Daniel asked.

“Yes, everyone is ready to begin,” Dimity said. She was overseeing the performance and ensuring everyone knew what they had to do.

“I feel ill,” Zachriel Deville said. He was playing the violin.

“And I,” Will and Olivia Ryder’s eldest child, Henry, said. At the age of twelve, he had the look of his father. He was to play the guitar.

Lord and Lady Levermarch’s eldest child, Amanda, was to sing along with Hannah, his niece, who had a surprisingly sweet voice at five. However, he did not hold out a great deal of hope she would stay on the stage for long.

Hannah Hetherington’s sister Bridgette was to play the guitar, and Abby the piano, and of course he the flute.

Abby had decided that this would be an excellent gift for his brother’s birthday, and then set about collecting musicians and inviting family and friends of Oliver’s, and now here he was. Feeling like he wanted to be extremely unwell but trying not to show it.

“Everyone is ready.” Thea rushed in. “I will introduce you.”

He nodded. “I hope you are right and Oliver will enjoy this,” he said to Abby.

“Your brother loves company. It is you he wants to see play, and this will allow that to happen.”

“So you concocted this entire production so he could hear me play?” He leaned down to kiss her, and Henry Ryder made a gagging sound.

“Of course.” Abby gave him a cheeky smile.

“Come, then.” He took Hannah’s hand in his while Abby put an arm around Amanda Levermarch, who was looking a bit pale now. “We will have fun, and they will clap loudly. Then we can eat lots of wonderful food and make ourselves sick.”

As far as a rallying talk went, they were not the finest words spoken, but he got a few titters, and then they were filing through the door and onto the small stage that had been set up.

“There seem a great many people,” he whispered to Abby.

“And all of them you know.” She patted his hand, and he felt instantly calmer.

He passed Hannah to Amanda, then the others took up their positions while he moved to the front of the stage.

His mother and father were in the front row with Oliver and Thea. Children swung their legs in boredom, and behind them he saw the Deville brothers. The Levermarches, the Ryders. Luke and Bella Foster, and the Hetherington twins and their wives were all here. They all brought their children, so the noise was deafening, as they were struggling to stay in their seats, and a few had escaped and were running about the place shrieking.

“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the first annual performance of the ah… Merry Musicians,” he added, improvising.

“Original name,” Alex called out.

“Today we are celebrating the birthday of my brother Oliver. He is a man I am immensely proud to call family, Copyright 2016 - 2024