The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,98

she carried. Daniel pulled his knife from his boot. He then threw it. As if in slow motion, he watched the blade fly directly into Jenny Blackheath’s shoulder. Shrieking, she dropped the gun.

Men seemed to swarm from the trees. The Deville brothers, Will, and Ben.


He caught Abby as she ran at him. “My love,” he breathed into her hair. “God, I love you.”

She was incoherent, words pouring from her lips. Some he understood, others he did not. He simply held her until she calmed.

“I c-couldn’t lose you, Daniel.”

“I had no intention of dying, Abby, and you will never lose me.”

She smiled through her tears. The sweetest smile he’d ever seen.

“Marry me,” she whispered.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He was smiling now too.

“Well, go on then.”

“Marry me, my love, my life?”

“Oh, yes.”

He kissed her, then moaned as pain shot through him.

“Your poor face.” She touched his abused cheeks and mouth.

“I’m not entirely sure there is a place on my body that doesn’t hurt.”

“I will take care of you, my love.”

Jenny Blackheath and her men were bound, and Lord Ryder and Mr. Hetherington would stay until the magistrate arrived and watch over them.

“Your face will be a pretty color soon.”

Daniel released Abby as her brothers surrounded her and grabbed Oliver in a hug.

“As will yours. Thank you for coming, Oliver.”

“I would do anything for you, Daniel. I would hope you know that by now.” His brother’s clothes were torn, and his lip bloodied and bruised. “I’m just sorry for what you suffered when I left our home all those years ago. I would never have left had I thought you would pay for what I did.”

“I know, and I was wrong to hold on to that anger.”

“No, you were wrong in not telling me.”

“And yet now you know.”

“And you have Lady Abigail, so all is now right in your world… or it will be with rest, some salve for those bruises, and food.”

“Exactly so. Thea will not be pleased when she sees you, Oliver.”

His brother smiled, then winced as his split lip pulled. “She will fuss over me for days, and I will pretend to loathe it.”

“Dillinger.” The Earl of Raine spoke, and they both turned. “That one.” He pointed to Daniel. Oliver stayed where he was, at Daniel’s side. “I owe you an apology.” The earl didn’t look happy about issuing it, however.

“Just the one?” Oliver drawled.

“That will do, brother,” Daniel said.

“I am sorry for what I did and the lies I spoke. I see now I was wrong to believe that because you carried no title you were not good enough for Abby.”

“I accept your apology, my lord.”

The earl looked at his sister and sighed. “My hope had been for a prince, but it seems you will have to do, Dillinger. Welcome to the family.” He held out his hand.

“Thank you.” He shook the hand.

The nobleman then looked at the Dillinger brothers, his eyes taking in the torn clothing and bruised and bloodied faces.

“At least I know you’ll keep her safe.”

Chapter 34

The concert was to take place in the great hall in Oliver’s townhouse, as it was the only room big enough to seat all of their family and friends. Daniel was at present attempting to stay calm, when in fact his knees were shaking at the prospect of what he had agreed to.


Abby had found him in the small room off the one the other musicians were practicing in. She wore deep blue that brought out the color in her lovely eyes, and the smile on her face was just for him.

“Hello, wife.” He held out a hand, and she took it, moving to his side to wrap both arms around his waist. His closed around her as they always did.

His love, his life.

They’d married in a small service at her brother’s estate, with only close friends and family in attendance. He’d battled with Gabe, as he now called him, over her dowry and the fact he wanted no part of it. They’d come to an agreement of sorts. The money would go to their children.

He rubbed along well enough with the Deville brothers, but not for one moment did he think they would not beat him senseless were he to hurt Abby in any way. He’d rather hurt himself than her, however.

“Why are you hiding in this room?”

“I’m scared.” She’d changed him in the short weeks they’d been married. With relentless but gentle questions, she’d eventually pulled all the dark thoughts from his head, and now he Copyright 2016 - 2024