The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,66

was like her brothers in many ways. Strong, protective, and honorable.

“M-Mary can’t swim. We must help her, Daniel. Zach will be lowering her now.”

“Can you swim, Abby?”


“Thank God.”

“I must try and help the others.” Abby looked around her.



“You will drown if you try. They will pull you under. You are not strong enough to withstand that.”

“But we must try.”

“Please, Abby, just do as I say. I need to know you’re safe.”

“I am safe, because you are here.”

His eyes held hers briefly and then he looked to the deck of the boat.

“Don’t take any risks, and I promise when you are on the bank, then we will save the others.”

She nodded. It was cold, and the numbness was seeping into her limbs. They needed to reach the bank soon. Around them, people were jumping into the water and thrashing about trying to stay afloat. Boats were arriving to help, but she doubted they would be able to take all the people.

Looking up, she saw Zach had Mary poised over the water. Daniel raised a hand, and she was soon sailing through the air toward them, screaming.

Abby released Daniel as he dived under to grab Mary. When he surfaced, he held the spluttering woman in his arms.


“Mary, I am here!” The girl lunged at her and took them both under. She was hauled up again spluttering.

“Stop!” Daniel bellowed at Mary. “You must allow us to help you, but we cannot if you panic.”

Mary gulped back a sob as she relaxed the grip she had on Abby.

A loud splash heralded the arrival of Zach.

“Can your brother swim, Abby?”


Zach surfaced.

“Let’s go, the boats are all taken,” Daniel said, handing Mary to Zach. He then took hold of Abby and began to swim for the bank. The distance wasn’t huge, but it was cold, and they were hampered by their chemises.

Shutting out the cries of distress, she swam with Daniel’s arm around her waist. Beside them, Zach did the same for Mary.

As they approached, she saw a mass of people. Searching the crowds, she found her brothers. Gabe was lowering himself into the water beside Michael. Nathan was above them.

“Daniel!” The roared words came from Oliver Dillinger, who was waving his arms. Others ran with him along the bank. She found Lord William and Lady Althea.

“Nearly there, Abby, just a bit further.”

She kicked her feet, and they reached the bank moments later. Hands grabbed her, and she was lifted to Nathan, who held her close.

“Little sister, I cannot tell you how glad I am you are safe.”

She was too cold to speak, so she burrowed into him. Beside them, Oliver Dillinger was hauling his brother from the water.

“I am well,” she heard him say. “But we must go back in. There are many who cannot swim.”

“No!” Abby grabbed his arm. “You cannot!”

“We must,” Zach answered for him. “They will drown if we do not, Abby.”

In seconds, the men around her who could swim had taken off their boots.

“Please don’t.” She grabbed Nathan’s arm as he released her. “Gabe, Michael, stay here with me. Please, Daniel, Zach!” Desperation had panic clawing at her.

“It must be done, Abby.” Daniel grabbed her shoulders. “Would you have those people drown because of your fear?”

“N-no. Let me come with you.”

“No. If you did, we would spend the entire time watching you and save no one.”

“He’s right,” Gabe added.

“Very well.”

“Good girl. Now, you need to get warm.” Daniel looked over his shoulder. “Thea, can you and Primrose help Lady Abigail and her friend?”

The two ladies rushed forward, and soon she was wrapped in a coat that felt blissful. Beside her, Mary wept as she watched the water for any sign of her family. Abby wanted to weep as she watched her men get back into the black murky depths.

She found the back of Daniel’s head. Please stay safe.

“How is it you swim, Lady Abigail?” Lady Althea asked. She was attempting to warm Abby by rubbing her arms.

“My brothers swam in the l-lake at my father’s estate, so I learned also.”

Her eyes tried to find each of the Deville men.

“They are there.” A large hand pointed to a group of men. The owner of that hand was Oliver Dillinger.

“My strength offers little in this situation. I will learn to swim after this,” he gritted out. “My brother has always loved the water. I do not.”

“H-he saved me.”

“I think you could have saved yourself, Lady Abigail.”

“I cannot see any of my family!” Mary cried from beside her.

They stood there gathered together and watched Copyright 2016 - 2024