The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,65

What she really needed to do was find some anger toward him. That would get rid of the other feelings.

Looking below into the dark waters, she thought how wonderful it would be to simply jump in and swim away. Of course, the reality would be far from wonderful; still the thought was a pleasing one.

“Dear Lord, is that boat heading toward ours?”

Following the hand of Lady Haskell, Abby watched in horror as another vessel collided with theirs. A loud cracking sound was followed by the boat shuddering. Abby lurched sideways before steadying herself.

Around her people were picking themselves up off the deck. Grabbing the railing, she looked at the hull and saw that they were taking on water.

“We’ve been hit!”

Abby wasn’t the only one to see it, as several people shrieked the words, and in seconds panic had set in. People were hurrying to look over the side. Someone ran into her back, forcing her sideways. Searching through the guests, Abby tried to locate Zach. Every step she took had someone forcing her back to the railing as they hurried to see what was happening.

“We will have to swim, Abby!” Mary reached her. “I can’t swim!”

She took the girl’s hand in hers and squeezed it tight. “I can, and if need be, I will ensure you get to safety.”

“I’m so scared. I can’t find my family.” Mary’s face was white with fear, eyes huge in her face. “I don’t want to drown.”

“I won’t let you drown.” Abby sounded more confident than she felt. “But you have to try and stay calm now, Mary, and we will get out of this.”

“We’re sinking. Everyone jump!” Lord Haskell roared the words. His wife was pressed to his chest.

“Everyone is panicking. How can we stay calm? We’re going to die,” Mary cried.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, she pulled her close. Abby couldn’t see Zach, but knew he’d be looking for her, desperate to reach her in the mass of frantic bodies.

Looking over the side of the boat again, she took a steadying breath. She had to do this. Had to jump into the cold water, or they’d go down with the boat.


“Zach!” He crushed her and Mary to him. Being in the arms of someone who loved her in that moment may not have alleviated the panic, but it definitely settled her.

“Thank God I found you.”

“We have to jump now, Zach. Mary is coming with us, as she cannot swim.”

“Well then, Mary, how lucky are you that you have the Deville siblings with you, as we do swim.”

“Really? You will save me?” Mary gripped the hand he had on her arm.

“I will.” He gave her a gentle smile, and this was one of those moments when her brothers did something that made her love them all over again.

Releasing them, he stripped off his jacket as the boat listed sideways. He then braced his hands on the side and looked down to the water. “Take off your shoes and dresses, and anything that may weigh you down.”

They didn’t hesitate—there was no time for modesty—just did as Zach directed them to. Around them people sobbed. Some pushed and pulled at them, but Zach kept them at bay and focused on both Abby and Mary. He stayed calm when she knew he must be terrified too.

Abby looked over the side again. People were jumping into the water as the boat started to sink.


She searched the water, looked in the boats that were approaching the vessel she was on, and found him.

“Daniel!” He was stripping off his coat and boots, then dived into the water.

“Jump now!” He raised a hand to her.

“You better catch her, Dillinger!” Zach roared, picking her up. His lips touched her forehead. “I love you, little sister. He will keep you safe until I am with you again.”

“I love you, Zach. Jump straight after me.”

“I will.”

In seconds she was falling toward the water. Nothing could brace her for the cold, or how fast she sank below the dark waters. Arms flailing, she tried to rise.

Hands reached for her, hauling her to the surface. Sucking in a large breath, she looked at Daniel.

“I have you.” One hand held her close. “Dear God, Abby, I was so scared.” He whispered the words in her ear. His heart thumped beneath hers as they struggled to stay afloat.

“And I.”

His hair was stuck to his head, eyes alert. He looked big and secure, and she realized in that moment why he now meant so much to her. He Copyright 2016 - 2024