The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,59


“I say, Deville, move it along now.”

“We are waiting for Lady Clyster to board, Gates. Short of jumping over her, there is, I fear, little more I can do,” Zach said over his shoulder.

“Damned footman should just throw her overboard and be done with it.”

“Won’t be long, Gates,” Zach added.

“That woman is stopping me from getting on board. I would like a glass or two of champagne before dawn.”

Others tittered at Mr. Gates’s words. Abby tried to ignore him.

“Perhaps if you pull and someone pushes, she’ll get there faster!”

Abby turned to face Mr. Gates. The man’s flushed cheeks told her he’d already had more than a few drinks.

“I hardly think those words are helping expedite the situation, Mr. Gates. In fact, were Lord Clyster to hear, they would surely hinder it.”

Mr. Gates blustered.

“I shall accept your apology,” Abby said, facing forward once more. Luckily, Lady Clyster was now on board and they were moving.

“Well now, I’m sure that put him in his place,” Zach said.

“He’s a fool, and while I may agree with him about Lady Clyster taking too long, I would never say as much.”

“Agreed. However, normally you would not have spoken as you did. What has brought about this metamorphosis into the mouthy woman at my side?” Zach took her arm as they reached the boat.

“Perhaps I no longer wish for a man to dictate to me or to listen to their loud braying about themselves and their wonderful attributes.”

“I only—”


“Of course there is a neither,” Zach muttered, nudging her along the ramp.

“Neither do I think it polite to make another the butt of a joke if it is not well-meant.”

“I’m not entirely sure how you could do that and be well-meaning.”

“I’m sure there’s a way.”

“Only if you are party to that joke.”

“Or the joke is flattery.”

“Also true.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Zach said.

“No, really, you’re welcome.” A Deville always liked to have the last word.

Zach snorted.

“I say, we are moving. Hooray!”

“If you turn a half circle, you could knock Mr. Gates into the water, Zach.”

“I could and make it look like a mistake, Abby, but if he can’t swim, it will be you or I who must save him, as it’s likely not many others around us can swim. Plus, there is the fact you’ve just waxed on about better behavior, and this would not be that.”

“I never mentioned Mr. Gates in that conversation.”

“I surmised.”

“Will you not tell me where the others have gone, Zach?”

“You will know when there is something to know. For now, just enjoy the evening, Abby. Please,” he said, placing a hand to her back and escorting her off the ramp and onto the deck of the boat.

“Oh lord, will you look at all those people.” The deck was full of guests. It made Abby queasy to think she would have to be wedged among them until they docked.

“You sound like it’s not going to be fun?”

“How can it be, pressed to all those bodies?”

“You’re wasting your time if you are hoping I will support your bid to go to Devon, by the way. My vote lies with Gabe. London is the best place for you right now, Abby.”

“I want to leave.”

“Don’t try to tell me you don’t like these functions.” He made a scoffing sound that had her wanting to thump him, but as she was supposed to be a lady, at least out of the house, she could not. “The dresses, the flattery, how could you not?”

“You’re an idiot,” Abby muttered, “who can see no further than the end of your nose, like those other fools you call brothers. Not everyone is enamored by false flattery.”

“Those fools who care for you?” he said in a tone that suggested he’d like to wrap his fingers round her neck and squeeze. It had always been like this between them. Closest in age, they could go from conversation to argument in a matter of minutes. “The brothers whose only thoughts and concerns are for you?” His words were a low growl.

“Concern does not smother a person, and neither does love. I cannot break a shoe ribbon without one of you knowing about it.”

“Are you suggesting we don’t love you?” He glared at her. “While it is sometimes hard, as you are an extremely challenging woman, we will always do so.”

Abby clamped her lips together as they approached the other guests.

“Is this about that Dillinger?” He shot her a narrow-eyed look. “Because he’s been popping up far too frequently of late, and usually when you are near.”

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