The Lady's Forbidden Love - Wendy Vella Page 0,58

my mind.”

“I had no idea it needed easing, brother.”

“Daniel, you walked out on the discussion we were having the other day.”

“I did not walk out, I had an appointment, and I said I have no wish to discuss this further.”

“You had no appointment. You were avoiding me.”

He huffed out a silent breath, aware that at any moment a sibling would demand to know what it was he and Oliver discussed.

“I do not like to discuss things such as this, and the only reason you do is because of Thea. I said just this to Ben. It seems when men fall in love, suddenly they understand emotions. It’s extremely disconcerting.”

“Well, that is true, but with the—”

“If you say the love of a good woman I’m leaving.”

“Talk to me, Daniel. Tell me about these beatings you took.”

“I am fine, and everything is fine. How could it not be, considering how we once lived.” He could feel the anger clawing its way through him. The unreasonable, ugly feelings that made him want to roar at his brother.

“How indeed?” Oliver didn’t look happy.

“It is not good to keep things inside you, Daniel,” Thea said gently, moving to take the empty seat to his right. Clearly, she’d been listening.

“And yet, it has always worked for me. We are the sons of a coal miner. I don’t believe emotions and feelings play any part our lives. Well, they didn’t until you turned my brother into the bowl of jelly he is today.”

“There is no doubt it would be more comfortable to hold back the emotion, Daniel. However, my wife does not believe that is healthy, and making her happy is important to me.”

“Well, she’s not my wife,” Daniel said, softening his words with a smile. “I don’t have to make her happy.”

“If you are angry with me, I want to know it, brother.”

His hesitation was brief.

“You are angry.”

“No, and I need to leave as I have an appointment.”

“You do not!”

Daniel walked away from his brother and sister-in-law and spent the next few minutes saying his goodbyes to his family before he could finally walk toward the door.

“Don’t forget, we attend Vauxhall Gardens two nights from now,” Thea said, touching his shoulder as he reached the door.

“Thea, I have no wish—”

“And yet you promised me you would attend.”

He looked down into her lovely eyes.

“Why are you sad, Daniel?”

“I’m not sad.”

“It’s there in the back of your eyes,” she said, studying him with that intent look she’d perfected. “I know you are holding something in there. Will you tell me what?”

“You cannot see to the back of my eyes.”

“I can.”

“I am all right, Thea. Of course we all have scars from our childhood, who wouldn’t? But my life is where it should be now, and I am happy.” He leaned forward and kissed a soft cheek.

“One day a woman will challenge you.” She patted his cheek before walking away, and all he could think as he left the house was that the only woman he’d ever wanted to challenge him would never be part of his life.

Chapter 19

Abby hadn’t wanted to accept Lady Blake’s invitation to attend the boat trip to Vauxhall Gardens, and yet her brothers had insisted. Zach had been selected to escort her, which had him gnashing his teeth, but as clearly it was his turn, he could do nothing about the matter. The rest of the Deville siblings, however, were up to something. They’d left the house grim-faced, which was not the way they usually left to participate in a night of revelry.

“Did you see Lady Clyster clutch that footman? She nearly fell into his arms,” Zach said, watching the woman ahead of them as they navigated the ramp onto the boat. Dressed in a gaudy shade of lemon, she was making ridiculous noises as she attempted to navigate the short walk.

“Pathetic. And I have no wish to discuss Lady Clyster. It’s our brothers I want to talk about.”

Zach looked wary, which told Abby she was on to something with her suspicions. “What is going on? I heard whispering, and a note was delivered, and they left looking serious. Something is happening, and I want to know the details.”

“It doesn’t concern you.” Zach wore a black coat with a silver and black waistcoat and gray evening trousers with polished black shoes. Abby thought he looked good. She’d never tell him, however.

“Why does it not concern me if it concerns you?”

He made a pffting sound.

“You do know that noise is extremely aggravating and tells me Copyright 2016 - 2024