Kyro - A.G. Wilde Page 0,92

more as his laughter rumbled in his throat.

“Take her to my quarters,” he said, “and bring the Borxclan too.” His laughter began again. “Let him watch. It has been a while since I’ve had an audience.”

A dry retch made her body lurch forward.

She’d rather die than have that thing touch her.

With renewed energy, she struggled against the guards, even though she knew it wouldn’t help, even though she knew she was struggling relentlessly for nothing. She couldn’t be taken without trying to break free.

“No,” Kyro ground out. “Take me as your prisoner instead.” He paused, gritting his teeth. “I am much more valuable than you think. Put her on a shuttle. Send her back. Promise her safety and I will give you allegiance.”

No. He wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying.

He wasn’t saying he would give himself up, his true self, for her?

“No.” Her eyes bored into his. “Don’t,” she said. “Not for me. Don’t do it for me. It’s not worth it.”

“I’m prepared to do anything...” His words came through gritted teeth as he fought to breathe, the arm around his neck no doubt cutting off his air supply.

It couldn’t end like this.

“No!” It felt as if her throat was closing up. “They can’t be trusted! He’ll screw you over. I just know it. And I don’t want to leave you here. I’d rather die!”

She could see the pain in his eyes at her words.

“I’ve run through the data available. It is the most successful option.”

“Fuck the data, Kyro. I mean it!” Her voice trembled. “I’d rather die. I’m not leaving this ship without you.”

She was breathing so hard, her entire body was rising and falling and for a moment, she felt a calm as she looked into Kyro’s eyes.

For that one moment, it was just him and her. Noone else.

The Tasqal’s bubbly laughter reached her ears then and she was brought back to reality.

“So...fascinating,” it said. “I hope she begs for you like that when she is beneath me, taking me inside her cun—”

Kyro’s roar cut off the next few words and the Tasqal laughed again.

“Tell me,” he walked closer, “are you not wondering how I knew of your presence?”

Kyro’s eyes moved to the Tasqal but he didn’t utter a word.

The Tasqal laughed again and she felt her anger swell.

He reminded her of M’Agunt. His laughs were nothing but evil. There was no good within him. She only could wish he met the same end as his slain minion.

“Show them,” she heard the Tasqal say and the screen in front of the ship suddenly switched to an image.

It was an image of something restrained with wires on a flat floating slab.

Her eyes widened as she saw what it was, her mind trying to make sense of what she was seeing.

Her eyes flew to Kyro’s and she could see the shock registered on his face as well.

There was a man on the floating slab.

A man that looked exactly like Kyro’s brother, Yce.


“This,” the Tasqal was now grinning openly, “is the extent of my power.”

Evren stared in horror at the body on the slab.

Was the male even alive?

He looked exactly like Yce except that instead of long flowing hair, his white hair was cut shorter, possibly to shoulder length. He had similar markings all across his body as Yce did and in the light of the bridge, they seemed to glow and pulse.

Her horror mounted when it was evident that he was not only restrained by the wires she saw but they were attached to his head as well, boring into his skull.

A growl left Kyro.

“What are you doing to him?”

The Tasqal tilted his head. “Isn’t it obvious?” He paused, moving closer to the male on the slab. “We’ve found a way to harness this species’ psionic talent.” He laughed as if delighted with himself. “We scanned the city when we were on the ground.” He turned to Kyro then, a gleam in his dark eyes. “It is how we found you...heard your plans...waited for you.”

She could feel the color drain from her face.

The man on the slab was a slave.

They were using his abilities, most likely against his will. It was just as they’d done to Kyro and his kind. They were doing it again, only to another species.

Her eyes flew to Kyro’s and the rage and turmoil there was evident.

“Don’t give up yourself,” she spoke. “Don’t do it for me. This is proof enough that it will never end. Kyro, I don’t—” Another sharp pain in her Copyright 2016 - 2024