Kyro - A.G. Wilde Page 0,91

was making her imagine things.

“Relieve him of his weapon,” the Tasqal ordered and two other guards marched forward to pull the weapon from Kyro’s hands.


Please no.

He didn’t come into this shitfest to rescue her, did he? How did he even find her? She couldn’t be the reason he died.

“Run the interference signal,” the Tasqal ordered next. “Let’s see who is under this disguise.”

There was a low sound and a beam that lit up the whole room.

For a second, nothing happened and then it was almost as if Kyro glitched, his image changing back to his usual gray-skinned form then back to the gator-guard.

It was as if her mind was falling apart and making up things for her to see.

After three more glitches, the image finally stopped blinking in and out, and there he stood before them his hands clenched at his sides as he watched her.

“Kyro!” She launched herself toward him only to feel herself dangling in the air. The two gator-guards at her side had each grasped one of her arms, preventing her from moving farther.


They were going to kill him. She could feel it. And all because of her. Why had he come after her?


She didn’t realize there were tears in her eyes until her vision became blurry and her pain quickly turned to anger.

“Let her go.” She almost didn’t recognize Kyro’s voice and when she squeezed her eyes just so the tears could fall so she could see better, the look on his face made something inside her clench.

There was a resoluteness there that hadn’t been there before. It was the kind of look she’d seen in the movies where a soldier was about to sacrifice himself. And, if she was right and that was what he was thinking, she couldn’t let him do it.

“No...” she whispered. Then louder, “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. Don’t do it.”

His eyes never moved from her, but it was clear from his next words that whatever she’d said had gone through both his ears but not his brain.

He wasn’t listening to her.

“Let her go. Take me instead.”

The Tasqal laughed, the thick bubble-popping sounds starting low before they began to boom in the room.

“Take you instead?” The Tasqal laughed. “I have no use for you, Borxclan.”

As suddenly as it began, the Tasqal’s laugh stopped.

“The human though...I have many uses for her.” His tone darkened so much there was no denying his meaning.

Before she could even think it, Kyro launched himself at the Tasqal, wrenching himself from the guards that held him and punching the beast so hard, the Tasqal fell from its chair to the floor.

Chaos ensued.

The guards at the surrounding stations rushed forward, blasters pointed as a few reached for Kyro.

Eyes wide, she didn’t realize she was struggling to get to him until she was jerked backward and another pain shot through her shoulder, causing her to fall to her knees once more, her body still held upright by the guard’s hold on her arms.

But Kyro didn’t need much help. She’d never seen him fight before. She didn’t even know that he could fight but he was taking down the guards one by one as they came at him.

She watched as one was launched straight toward her, crumpling at her feet with a groan of pain as Kyro held the neck of another in his arms. With one twist, he rendered the guard motionless even as more came at him.

She was barely aware of the Tasqal crawling to safety and for once in this messed up situation, she felt a sliver of hope that they would make it out of there alive.

But that was a wish brought forth by mere innocence. That one sliver of hope was quickly cut down as the doors opened and a new set of guards rushed through.

They were piling onto Kyro one after the other and struggle as she might for the two guards holding her to release her, their hands held firm.

Two guards grabbed Kyro’s arms, another guard restrained his head in a headlock, and others had their blasters pointed.

Kyro struggled till he could struggle no more, his gaze moving to her.

There was no winning this.

There was such pain in his eyes. She wondered if he was seeing the same in hers.

From the corner of the room, the Tasqal rose to its feet, its lips oozing something green, which she assumed was its blood.

“You will pay for that,” was all he said before his eyes fell on her, his lips spreading in a slow smile once Copyright 2016 - 2024