Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,78

what I’m looking for and certainly didn’t find it where I work.”

“I know I don’t find it where I work,” Caitlyn said. “The most domineering man I work with is the principal and he’s a prick.”

Kimberly settled back against the sofa cushions, her legs spread out in front of her, and sipped the last of her wine. “You’re right… Sister Honoria didn’t teach me that at all.” Grinning, she added, “Although Sister Francine did say that one day a man would sweep me off my feet.”

“Was she right?” Sandy asked.

Looking at the curious faces of her friends, she grinned. “Yeah, she was.”

“So, my brother’s not such an ass after all?” Caitlyn asked.

“I never said he was an ass! He did apologize.”

Sandy leaned over, her expression wistful. “Then what are you doing here? If I had such a man, I’d be with him.”

“You could be, you know?” Caitlyn said. “Rory would—”

“Right! Like the biggest, flirtiest, playerist in town would settle down?”

“Playerist?” Bekki asked, her nose scrunched. “I don’t think that’s a word.”

“Well, it fits Rory McBride!”

Pushing to her feet, Kimberly smiled and said, “Dearies, it’s time for me to go.”

Caitlyn moved over and wrapped her arms around her. “Please, forgive my brother. I really want you two together.”

Squeezing her in return, she leaned back and smiled. With hugs given all around, she called for a taxi and gave him the address.

Kyle sat in his living room, the TV on a game, but he paid no attention. Instead, his focus was on his phone, waiting for the text or call from Kimberly to say she’d gotten home safely. A car door slammed outside and a few seconds later he heard knocking on his door. Jumping to his feet, he looked outside and spied her standing on his stoop.

He threw open the door. “Babe? Are you okay?”

“I’ve been with Caitlyn, and Bekki, and Sandy.”

It was then he realized her smile was a bit sloppy, and he looked behind her up and down the street. “Did you drive?”

“Of course, I didn’t drive! I’ve had several glasses of wine, but I’m responsible enough to take a taxi.”

“Why didn’t you text me any information about the driver so if you disappeared off the face of the earth, I would’ve known who you were with?”

Still standing on his stoop, she narrowed her eyes and planted her fists on her hips. “Are you trying to be a jerk… again?”

He started counting to ten but only made it to four. Reaching out, he snagged his hand around her waist and gently pulled her inside. Staring down at her green eyes, all other thoughts fled his mind, and he simply wanted his lips on hers. Bending, he kissed her. A kiss to claim and possess, but he knew it was she who claimed his heart and possessed his soul. Finally, he lifted his head, sucking in a ragged breath.

She reached up, placing her palm over his wildly-beating heart. “Earlier, you asked for forgiveness. I give it.”

The tight band around his heart eased, and he let out a long breath.

“Caitlyn and Bekki had a lot to say about the men in their families.”

Brows lifted, he asked, “Was it good or damning?”

Her lips quirked and she said, “A little of both.” She ran her tongue over her bottom lip and sighed. “They were raised in families with a lot of people in law enforcement. They told me it’s in your DNA. I was raised with sweet nuns. I’m not sure my past experience makes it easy to always understand what you’re thinking or going through.”

The grip that had hold of his heart squeezed again, and he quickly said, “I don’t want our pasts to keep us from the future, Kimberly.”

She shook her head quickly. “That’s not what I’m saying, Kyle. You and I look at people from two completely different perspectives. I’m just saying that I’m having to get used to being with someone who has such a suspicious mind.”

He slid one hand over her shoulder and cupped her cheek, his fingertips gliding through her silky hair. He rubbed his thumb over her soft skin, drowning in her expressive eyes. “This is all new for both of us, sweetheart. I can’t change who I am, but I can promise I won’t use you. And I’ll share whatever I can about your workplace, especially to make sure you’re safe.”

“And Bob? What on earth does he have to do with anything?”

He hesitated, battling with what to say. Finally, still cupping her cheek, he admitted, Copyright 2016 - 2024