Kyle (Hope City #4) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,77

the similarity from weeks before. Stepping closer, he said, “Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”

She pinched her lips together in a tight line. “You betrayed my trust, but it’s all supposed to be better because you say you’re sorry?”

“No, not because I just say that I’m sorry, but because I truly am. What I did yesterday was wrong. I wasn’t snooping, but the material was lying right there in plain sight, and I did start looking through it. All I could think about was finding out who’s getting drugs on the street.”

“All you care about is taking out somebody at Kilton.”

“No, that’s not true.”

“How long have you been investigating Kilton Pharma? Since before meeting me the first time?”

“Yes, but—”

“Is that why you’re with me?”

Hands on his hips, he shook his head. “You know that’s not true. You know that who you work for has nothing to do with how I feel.” He dropped his chin to his chest for a moment then lifted his gaze back to her. “Damnit, Kimberly, I’m not after Kilton. I’m trying to get the leak of prescription drugs off the street. The way I went about it wasn’t right when I found your notes, but my motives were pure.”

Indecision crossed her face, then she shook her head. “I don’t have time for this right now. I’m going to a friend’s house.”


“That’s my business.”

He wanted to argue that her business was his business but knew he should tread carefully. Sucking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly. “All right, but I’d like to know you accept my apology.”

“Kyle, I’m still upset. And I need some time and space, and you’re going to give me that.”

He nodded slowly, hating to agree but understanding her need. “Okay, but will you let me know when you get in? Not because I’m trying to keep tabs on you but because I worry.”

Her shoulders slumped as she held his gaze. “Yeah, I’ll do that. I promise.”

“Men suck.”

Kimberly, sitting on the floor with her back to the sofa, rolled her head to the side and looked at Caitlyn. Not usually one for making such negative declarative statements, she was surprised. But then Caitlyn was on her third glass of wine, so her tongue was loosened.

“Hear, hear,” Sandy agreed.

Sandy was sitting on the other side of the room, so Kimberly rolled her head toward her. “Come on, girls. They don’t really suck. They’re just… kind of sucky.”

Bekki laughed and propped her feet on the coffee table. “Well, you’re the one who started it by talking about Kyle.”

She hadn’t meant to go into all her problems when she’d shown up at Caitlyn’s house earlier. After all, Caitlyn was Kyle’s sister. But it seemed as though Caitlyn had had a bad day at school with a new principal, Bekki was frustrated with one of the men at the TV station, and Sandy… well, for all her flirting, she was always irritated with men.

“I know. He did apologize, though. It just seemed so underhanded.”

Caitlyn set her wine glass down, pulled her feet off the coffee table, and leaned forward. “Okay, here’s the thing that you’ve got to understand. Something that Bekki and I get in spades. So, listen and learn a few things that the nuns didn’t teach you, darling.”

Curious, she twisted around so that she could give them her full attention.

“My dad worked for the FBI. Bekki’s dad is the Police Commissioner. She’s got two brothers who are detectives, and another one who’s a fireman. I’ve got two brothers who are detectives and another one who’s a paramedic. My oldest sister is now married to a detective. Bekki’s oldest brother is married to a detective, and another one is with a DEA agent. Are you getting what I’m telling you?”

“Yes. You’re telling me that your family is mostly law enforcement. Uptight, always on duty, suspicious… am I on the right track?”

Caitlyn giggled, nodding. “Yes, but that’s not all. You see, people aren’t just in law enforcement as a job or a career. It’s in their DNA.”


“It’s who they are. They are always investigating. Always looking. Always searching,” Caitlyn said.

“Always security conscious,” Bekki threw out.

“And from what I’ve seen… always alpha,” Sandy added with an eye-roll.

“Yeah, alpha for sure,” Caitlyn agreed, “but not in a me Tarzan, you Jane kind of way. Just in a… a…”

“It’s more of a ‘I love you and want to protect you’ kind of way,” Bekki finished. Leaning back in her seat, she sighed, a slight smile playing about her lips. “That’s Copyright 2016 - 2024