With Everything I Am(96)

When his head lifted their hearts were both beating faster and Sonia looked like she was emerging from a delicious dream, a fact which made him want to kiss her again.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t.

“All right, baby doll,” he called softly and he saw that, with effort, her eyes focused on his and he grinned, which made her eyes focus on his mouth, which made him want to laugh but he kept speaking. “Remember I told you that you have family now and they wouldn’t want you to struggle, no matter what you’re struggling with?”

She blinked and then she nodded.

He dipped his face close to hers, looked her in the eye and said quietly, “You’re about to see what I mean.”

Her eyes grew wide but he ignored her look, took her hand and guided her down the stairs.

Gregor was lounging on one of Sonia’s clean-lined, pristine couches by her Christmas tree.

Yuri was fuming while leaning on the mantel above the fireplace.

They both came to attention and watched as Callum led Sonia down the stairs and into the room.

Callum’s gaze went to Gregor and he demanded, “I’ll want to know the meaning of this.”

Gregor slowly closed his eyes, visibly seeking patience and when he opened them, he said in his cool, refined voice, “Remember who you’re speaking to.”

“I know exactly who I’m f**king speaking to,” Callum returned.

“I kept her safe for you for thirty-one years,” Gregor rejoined, Callum heard Sonia gasp and felt her hand tighten spasmodically in his.

He curled her hand up, drawing her nearer, and tucked it under his arm.

“You kept her safe for Lassiter for thirty-one years,” Callum returned. “You vowed it, you did it. Your work is done.”

“He’s already claimed her,” Yuri announced hostilely. “I saw the chain.”

Gregor looked to his son and murmured a warning, “Yuri.”

Due to Gregor’s position amongst the vampires and Callum’s royal standing, Callum had known Gregor all his life. However, recently, linked by the Arlingtons, primarily Sonia, Callum had grown to know Gregor and Yuri very well.

Gregor was tall, black-haired and lean. His son was blond, like his mother, and had more bulk to his tall frame.

Gregor was also quite like Mac, without the warmth. Patient and thoughtful about his actions.

Yuri was quite like Callum, as much as Callum hated to admit it. Impatient, quick to anger and when he wanted something, he f**king well got it and he’d consider the consequences later.

Except, for Yuri, he wanted Sonia.

And he would never have her.

Not only because she had been Callum’s before she existed but most especially now but also because the vampire culture didn’t allow vampires to mate with mortals.

Yuri didn’t heed his father’s warning and his gaze narrowed on Callum. “Four days. You had her four days and you’ve already claimed her. Tell me, Cal, did you whisper your people’s secrets in her ear as you were thrusting inside her or did you simply boggle her mind with your legendary dick and she still doesn’t even f**king know?”

Callum heard Sonia’s indignant intake of breath, his triumphant elation evaporated and his temper rose.

“Do you want me to challenge you?” he asked Yuri and Yuri pushed away from the mantel stating he did indeed. Callum’s skin prickled, he so wanted to transform to take on the challenge. But he didn’t reckon Sonia, no matter how angry she was earlier and now, would like to watch her beloved “puppy” ripping her “brother” apart with his teeth.

Not to mention, he hadn’t yet told her that he was her puppy and that her puppy was a werewolf.

“Control your son,” Callum clipped to Gregor, not taking his eyes from Yuri.

Gregor sighed and noted, “You aren’t helping, Yuri.”