With Everything I Am(94)

Which heralded the unwelcome knowledge he’d lived with for thirty-one years. Knowledge he’d worked time and again with Mac to come to terms with. Knowledge that, when he met Sonia as a little girl, felt their connection and discovered she was his, he’d raged against. Knowledge that he’d buried deep until that moment.

It was the knowledge that she was a mortal human and he was an immortal werewolf and they didn’t have eternity.

Instead he’d enjoy his mate for decades, not millennia.

Then he’d watch her grow old.

Then he’d watch her die.

And destiny had chosen to make her perfect which Callum thought was a f**king cruel tease.

His arms tightened around her and he dropped from his knees to his back, taking her with him, careful to keep their connection.

When he had her settled on top, she nuzzled closer. His fingers found his chain and trailed along it and he pulled in a breath, taking in the gorgeous scent of her hair, the beautiful scent of them mingled between her legs and the scent of…

His body froze and his head, at the same time as Sonia’s, twisted to look at the man standing in the door.

The scent of f**king vampire.

Chapter Ten


“Who would have thought, Sonny, that when you f**k you sound like an animal?” Yuri noted blandly, standing in the door, gaze locked on Sonia.

Belying his tone, his eyes were blazing.

Then Callum watched those eyes narrow on the claiming chain Callum’s hand had arrested toying with when Yuri appeared in the door and Callum bit back a wolfish howl of elation.

Before he reached out to throw the blanket folded at the end of her bed over their bodies, Callum had thoughts he was certain, if Sonia knew them, she would greatly dislike (and likely have no problem sharing that opinion).

Yuri, who so very much wanted to get his cold, vampire hands on her, had walked in on them naked, still connected, her claiming chain glinting in the lights of the room, the cries of their orgasms practically still ringing in the air.

And Callum f**king loved it.

He loved that Yuri had seen everything he saw and heard everything he heard and was right now smelling everything he smelled.

Thus he couldn’t stop himself from aiming at Yuri a very f**king satisfied smile to which Yuri aimed back a very incensed scowl.

“What… what are you…?” Sonia stammered and, hearing the horror in her tone, Callum smothered his chuckle and his arms tightened around her under the blanket. “Doing here?” she screeched.

“Father wants to speak to you,” Yuri answered.

“Now?” she shrieked.

Yuri leaned in the doorway and stated, “When we arrived, we noticed you were busy. Therefore we waited until you weren’t. So, yes, now, if you’d be so kind.”

Callum was surprised he hadn’t sensed them or smelled them.

Then again, he was entirely wrapped up in his pretty little mate so perhaps it wasn’t that surprising.

And he thought that this just got better and better.

They’d been there awhile.

Fucking brilliant.

Callum felt Sonia’s body jolt, taking him from his thoughts but Yuri casually pushed away from the door and disappeared from sight.