With Everything I Am(134)

“You didn’t…” Ryon started. “You f**king didn’t…” he growled then spat, “Cal, she’s f**king tiny.”

“I know that,” Callum clipped. “I won’t go into how I initiated her to it but she likes it. Have you ever done that with a human?”

“In a sense but I’ve never slept like that,” Ryon bit back. “I’d f**king crush her.”

“Have you ever had a human play as rough as a wolf?” Callum pushed.

Ryon’s head jerked slightly in surprise at the question and he answered, “No.”

“Not even close?” Callum pressed.

“Not even close.”

“You ever play with a human as rough as you would with a wolf?” Callum persisted.

Ryon’s face grew dark with anger. “Please tell me –”

Callum got close. “She wants it that way, Ryon. She f**king loves it. You ever know a human, in your vast experience, who likes it like that?”

“That’s impossible, she couldn’t even take it.”

“She takes it, Ry,” Callum retorted. “She takes all of it.” Ryon’s eyebrows shot up at this shocking revelation. “And if I don’t give it to her, she begs me for it.”

“Jesus,” Ryon breathed, staring at Callum. “How lucky can you f**king get?”

Callum didn’t have time to share all the ways he was lucky to have Sonia, only some of them having to do with how she liked to play.

“That isn’t my point.”

“What’s your point?” Ryon asked.

“That’s not it, there’s more,” Callum informed him. “She’s got heightened senses. Not as heightened as a vampire or a wolf when he’s transformed but, as far as I can gather, it’s close to what a wolf has in human form.”

Ryon couldn’t hide his response, he reared back whispering, “You’re f**king joking.”

“I’m not and she’s hiding it and the vampires know about it. You ever experience anything like that with a human?”


“Sense it? Get the barest, f**king inkling of it?” Callum clipped.

“No, Cal, not ever.”

Callum looked away, hissing, “Fuck!”

He didn’t like what he was thinking but he couldn’t help thinking it primarily because it was the only thing that made sense.

Callum had decided to give Sonia her Christmas before he launched his offensive to quell the rebellion.

He did this for two reasons.

One, he and his men had made a significant effort to hide the extent of their intelligence, something Calder had taken over gathering (and doing a great job at it, as normal) from the rebel leaders. The rebellion thought they were still gathering information and planning their offensive. They had no idea Callum’s attack was coming. They had no idea Callum knew as much as he knew and therefore had planned as thoroughly as he’d planned. They had no idea that Callum knew that they were still amassing and planning their attack for after the New Year. Fuck, even Nikolas, one of their chiefs, Callum had asked to escort his queen and his mother to the mall (under the constant, hidden, guard of four other wolves who followed their every move, that was) in order to hide his knowledge at the depth of their infiltration. Callum spending time enjoying his Christmas with his new mate would make them think he lost focus or wasn’t taking them seriously and it would, he hoped, lull them into a sense of security.

And two, Sonia loved Christmas and Callum wanted Sonia to have her Christmas.

It was now the night before Christmas Eve. They were moving on the rebellion on Boxing Day.

There was a lot on his mind, including the fact that the rebels fought dirty and losses, on both sides, would likely be high.