With Everything I Am(132)

She-wolves, however, like wolves, did it all the time, during play or just affectionately with their mate. Your mate or partner’s scent was a massive aphrodisiac but it was another way your senses recognized a loved one. It was one of the reasons their mingled essence between her legs was so important. It was part of the claiming ritual for the male to coat the female with it, spreading their intermingled scent, a physical representation of their connection, to mark his territory after the claiming.

Further, he’d also noticed on more than one occasion Sonia tilting her head or making a face when she’d smelled something pleasant or unpleasant. Something Callum also smelled but not something any human would sense.

She had exceptional eyesight as well, something he noticed when she was sitting beside him while he was driving and she drew in a sharp, barely audible breath when a car skidded on a patch of ice in front of them. The car, however, was far ahead. A wolf could see it, but a human? Not in his experience.

And there was the way that she liked to play. She certainly responded to him when he was gentle with her but she came alive when he was rough. He’d never, not once in his experience, knew a human to get off the way Sonia did with Callum. He was careful to make certain all his partners enjoyed his play but the depth of her craving, the intensity of her participation and her cl**axes were unreal for a human, if not a wolf.

He’d put that down to their connection but now, he was questioning it.

Because she was still human.

Lastly, the way they fell asleep most nights, from the first night after the claiming.

It was common practice for wolves, especially wolf mates, to sleep while their bodies were connected. The male on top, the female on top, spooned or the way Sonia liked to be connected to Callum, with Callum over her and Sonia on her belly.

It was just the wolves’ way.

The first time he’d done it, he’d been so lost in the experience they’d shared, he hadn’t thought of it. It was natural to him as wolf but he would never have done it with a human. Not only because his other human partners were not his mate but because they wouldn’t find it comfortable and might even find it painful.

Later that night when he awoke still connected to her, his weight bearing her little body into the bed, he’d cursed himself. He’d drawn away and pulled her close. Since that first time, he always woke shortly after and, without the cursing, rolled to his back and pulled her to his side.

The next day after the first time, from their talk in the morning, and especially that night, he was surprised and delighted to find she liked it. They didn’t sleep that way every night but, if he ended their play f**king her on her hands and knees, they always did and it was always Sonia that lured Callum to her.

One night, she’d even demanded it. Hands flying back to grasp his hips, her sex convulsing tight to trap his cock, she’d slid her knees down and drew him with her between her spreading legs.

It had been the most arousing thing a female had ever done and he’d instantly had an overwhelming urge to take her again. So he did, up on his hands, his h*ps pistoning into her, her belly to the bed, her legs spread wide, her ass tipped up just enough so she could take all of him and her moans and cries muffled by the pillow.

It had been, as it always was with Sonia, f**king magnificent.

What it hadn’t been was anything near to anything he’d ever had with a female human.

And none of it made any sense.

Callum, being proudly wolf and being royal, did not spend a great deal of time with humans. He didn’t avoid them but his duties, the consistent skirmishes and simply because he preferred the company of his brethren, meant he’d spent the vast majority of his life with wolves. Even though, if he caught the scent or liked the look of a female human he wouldn’t hesitate in taking her, until Sonia, he preferred she-wolves and they made up the bulk of his bed partners.

Perhaps this was something human he just didn’t know.

And what Callum didn’t know, he didn’t like.

Especially when it came to Sonia.

“Callum?” Caleb called, catching his attention as Callum kept his eyes on Sonia and he saw her force herself to relax.

She was hiding it. His instincts screamed it.

So perhaps it wasn’t just something he didn’t know. Perhaps it was something else entirely.

“Five minutes ago, you were wrapped in your queen’s arms,” Ryon noted, smiling as he approached the brothers. “Now you’re scowling. What’s up?”

Callum looked at his cousin.


His cousin, on the other hand, preferred female humans to she-wolves though he didn’t shy away from wolves. He also enjoyed spending time in the human world.

If it was something Callum didn’t know, Ryon might be able to tell him.

He started to open his mouth but thought better of it when a memory pierced his consciousness and his eyes slashed across the room to the vampire.